The Invasion | Act 2

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Third Person P.O.V.

The two princess sat next to their parents in glee. Every-pony was smiling at the royal family. There was about two fillies, and one young colt, but they seemed too royal to even consider running to Celestia and Luna. Time passed quickly, and not because the young fillies' mother was moving the sun faster. It was about to be time for Celestia to try and set the sun down. "Attention every-pony, we are about to move out to the gardens for the main event." The king announced. Every-pony seemed to scurry of outside to the garden. Once every-pony was there, they backed away from Celestia to see if she can set the sun. Her mother had kept the sun halfway to sunset. With all of her might, she flew up and up, to seem like she was touching the sun, Celestia tried to use her magic from her unicorn horn to try and move the sun. When out of no where, a shriek was heard. "The castle is being under attack by the Changelings!" The head guard Weasley screamed. Once that was heard, about fifth teen ponies smiled, then changed back to a Changeling. 'It was the Changelings leader, Queen SilverWing, who had left that note on mom's throne!' Celestia screamed in her head. Soon every Changeling had attacked every-pony who wasn't a Changeling to do something. Even more shocking, about ten of the gaurds started to attacked some of the guests. Then most shocking, even more dark forces came into the castle grounds. One of them was actaully just a big dark force thing. That must be the main source of the Changeling's power. Weasley then came running towards the royal family and said "We need to get you guys out of here, follow me."

They all ran back inside the castle, where a lot of commotion was happening as well. Celestia spotted her Pony-in-waiting NoteWorthia, being cornered by two Changelings. She wanted to help her, but Celestia knew she couldn't. All she could do was look away from the what horrible things those Changelings were going to do to NoteWorthia. The five ponies continued running, and ran into a secret passage way. It led them to the back of the castle, and faced the forest. Celestia, and Luna knew they were banned to ever go into the forest, but this time they had no choice. "I am going to get my men and try to come back to you four, stay here and hide." Weasley said, and with that he went back into the castle through the secret passage way. "Girls, hide in this bush over here ok?" There father said. The two fillies hid in the berry bushes that were next to the entrance of the forest. The two parents hid in a bigger one next to the bush their children were hiding in. 

(Celestia's P.O.V.)

After a while, the bush's leaves were really starting to itch me, and started to ruin the dress I had on. It was too late for Luna, who is now itching herself like a mad mare. Then a set of unrecognizable hooves were in front of Luna and I. Then came a voice.

"Ah, look what we have here, the King and Queen of this land, hiding in fear of my Changelings!" That, that is Queen SilverWing! If it wasn't for half of out gaurds, along with the extra dark forces, the Changelings would be only half as powerful. "I was thinking about waiting until tonight, but since your sweet Celestia didn't move that sun fast enough, my patience was already gone." The mean spirited Queen SilverWing. Luna then placed her right hoof on my shoulder. "Also that other girl you have, Luna is it? She might be a little bit too young to actually raise and set the moon." I then look at Luna, her blue coat had a light shade of red all over her face. "Speaking of children, I am now happily pregnant with a filly Changeling. Oh, she will most likely be born in about two days, and look at me, invading the castle." Queen SilverWing. Then father came running out of the bush, pushing Queen SilverWing away. "Now, run girls!" He yelled. "Oh they are here, this will be even more interesting!" Queen SilverWing said. Then mom came running at her, using her horn as a sword against Queen SilverWing's. I knew this was our queue. I ran out of the bush, and into the forbidden forest, with Luna running behind me. When we were only about 3 feet away, Luna looked back at mom and dad fighting Queen SilverWing, then all you could see was a big dark shadow. With my great luck, I turned back once the shadow was forming, In less time then a second, Luna and I were flung, most likely from the darkness.

"Mom, Dad, where are you?" I cried...

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