Chapter 8: BIg Night

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Chapter 8

"Wake up Monkey..."

"Nooo!" I whined.

"C'mon baby, we've gotta start the day! It's so beautiful today," Jack said as he shook my shoulders.

"Ugh! Fine, but only because I'm eager to see you in your hot swimming trunks," I said tired.

"Yeah, you know I want you in your sexy little bikini," he said eying me.

"Only in your dreams will you see that babe," I said smiling.

"Awwww, come on," he said making an irresistible puppy dog face.

"Okay fine, let's get some breakfast and then swim," I said.

"Yay!" he yelled in his Mike voice.

We changed into our suits and I put on a cute cover-up. We then walked down the stairs to a restaurant inside the hotel. Afterwards, we went into the swimming pool and he took off his shirt. OMG I love his yummy six pack!

"You don't, by chance, work out do you?" I asked as I walked up to him and felt his abs. Oh my God.

"Just a little bit," he boasted.

I laughed and said, "I can tell."

I took off my cover-up and retied my straps. I got in the hot tub and he joined me. The water wasn't too hot, but just enough to feel relaxing. Then a couple in about their twenties came in and started making out. I giggled at Jack's uncomfortable face as we watched, being the creepers we are.

"Would you like to take a picture?" asked the girl, obviously annoyed.

"No, I think this scene is permanently stuck in my mind already," retorted Jack.

"Oh, okay," she said dumbly.

"Let's go to the regular pool," I whispered.

"Good idea."

We got out and jumped into the other pool. We weren't really prepared for that water's temperature because right when we landed Jack and I said at the same time, "HOLY SHIT!"

He reached out and grabbed me and we got out of the water just as fast as we had gotten in.

"Okay, time to go!" he said. We ran and got the towels and wrapped them around us. It felt so much better. I slipped my flip-flops back on and we ran to the elevator. We each took a quick shower and got changed. At about noon my cell rang.

"Hey Will," I said after I saw the caller ID.

"Hi darling, we're lost," he stated.

"And why am I not surprised?" I laughed while rolling my eyes.

"WHERE THE FU*K ARE WE?" I heard Gianna scream out of frustration.

"Ha-ha! You guys are so helpless," I said.

"Oh I know it all too well," sang Will.

"Here, Jack will help you," I said as I passed the phone to him.

"Hey, what town are you in?" he asked. Seconds later he nodded his head and said, "Okay get on the highway and then get off on the fifth ramp."

"Yeah, you should get here in about three hours," he said.

"Okay, see you later."

"Those two are retarted," he laughed handing my phone back to me.

"I know!" I said.

"Let's go," he said taking my hand.

"Where?" I asked.

"I don't know yet, let's see where the road takes us," he said followed by his awesome smile.

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