Chapter 5

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Evelyn's P.O.V.

Today I meet Nash at the park. I wake up at 9:00. I take a shower and get dressed. After about 20 minutes of going through all of my clothes I decide on a black crop top with TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL written on it in white, a white mid thigh length skirt, black knee high socks and my black converse. I put in my diamond earrings. I have 5 piercings on each side. I have 2 on my cartilage and three up my ear lobe. Anyways. For my makeup I put on my foundation, concealer and my bronzer then I do a light mod smokey eye with a pin-up eyeliner. I put on subtle red lipstick with a lighter red gloss over it to make it shine. For my hair my mom helps me give myself a fishtail braid.

I look at myself in the mirror and Damn Gurl! I look good. I check my phone and it's 11:15. I grab my penny board which is light pink with aquamarine wheels and ride to the park. I have my phone, my wallet and my lipgloss.

It takes about 10 minutes to get to the park. I finally get there and sit on the swings waiting. I wait for about 10 minutes and check my phone. I look and see its 11:35. I grab my board and ride around the park. I get to the entrance when I see a tall boy with blonde/brown hair walking towards me. I realize it's Nash. I ride up to him.

"Hey Nash." I say.

"Sorry for the wait. I didn't know where to meet you." He laughs after saying this.

"Oh it's fine. I didn't know where to meet you either." We both start laughing. His laugh is contagious. When he laughs it makes me feel like laughing. We start walking. We talk about everything.

"So what's your favorite color?" Nash asks.

"Purple. Yours?" I ask.

"Blue. Favorite animal?" He asks.

"Giraffe. You?" I say

"Bulldog. Food?" Nash says.

"Aw I love dogs and mint chocolate chip. You?" You say.

"Vanilla." He says.

We go back and forth for two hours. We just sit under the big oak tree in the middle of the park and just talk. We talk about everything. We talk about life, hate, people, yourselves and anything else you could think of. We learn more about each other then we thought we knew about ourselves. After we finish talking we go to the swings and just swing enjoying each other's presence. By the time we leave the park it's already 5:00.

"Wanna go get something to eat?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm starving!" Nash says. He starts skipping up the block.

"How about Wendy's? They have awesome shakes there." I suggest.

"Sure. Sounds great to me. While we are there I need your snapchat." Nash says. I just realized that I don't have his snapchat, Instagram, Twitter or anything. Wow.

We walk to Wendy's in about 15 minutes. When we get inside Nash orders the bacon cheese burger with a side of bacon cheese fries and a large vanilla shake and I get the strawberry salad with a small chocolate shake. We take the table by the window all the way in the back.

"You really love meat don't you." I say. Nash now knows that I'm not much of a meat eater.

"Yeah it's so good. Especially covered in melted cheese. It's like heaven in a sandwich." I giggle at this. We both enjoy our food and talk about school. We get each other's social media and continue talking and laughing.

When we finish eating we walk outside.

"Thank you for the amazing time today. It was a lot of fun. I will see you on Monday." I say ready to start walking home. 

"Evelyn I will not let you walk home at 6:00. I don't even want to think about what would happen to you. Please let me walk you home." Nash gets down on one knee acting like Romeo. I couldn't help but giggle. I give him my hand.

"I would love you to. I hope it's no trouble for you though." I tell him.

"No not at all." He says full of energy. I feel like he is a bundle of energy. He never seems tired not even at school.

"I'm tired can we sit on the ground?" I complain.

"Why sit on the floor when I can give you a piggy back ride." Nash says giving me his hand helping me up from the floor.

"But I don't want to hurt you though." I say never us about my weight.

"Hurt me with what. All 90 pounds of you." He says laughing. I couldn't help put smile and make circles with my foot on the ground.

"No...95 pounds." I say.

"Oh kill me now. Evelyn get on my back right now." He said demanding. He wasn't taking no for an answer. He bent down for me and I jump up.

"You're as light as a feather. It's like carrying Skylynn." Nash says smiling. I have never been this tall before. I take in all the sights. I watch the sun set and the beautiful colors of the sky. Before I know it Nash is already at my house. Oh yeah, I told him where I live in our conversation under the oak tree.

He puts me down gently and I thank him again. I smile and wave.

"Goodnight Nash. Text me when you get home so I know you did safely please." He nods and leaves. I close door and slide down it smiling. This boy has found the perfect route to my heart.

I run upstairs and jump on my bed. I get in my comfies and FaceTime mahogany.

M: So how did it go tonight with Nash?
E: It was absolutely perfect.
M: Really. I'm so happy for you.
E: Aw you are. Thanks you so much. I love you.
M: Same to you. So give me the details. Everything. Start to finish.
E: Well in the beginning I didn't think he was gonna show cuz it was like 11:40 and he still wasn't there so I went looking for him. I found him and we talked under the big oak tree in the middle of the park. We talked about everything and I mean everything. After we went to Wendy's and got dinner together. I was going to walk home by myself but Nash insisted that he gave me a piggy back ride home which he did. He dropped me off and left. I told him to text me when he got back. He didn't yet but then again he lives almost 20 minutes away from my house. Anyway I had the best night of my life tonight.
M: It sounds so 1950s movie romantic. I'm so happy for you. It's about time you got a nice guy for you.
E: Yeah and he told me that one of his friends likes you. You know the one in your chemistry class. Matthew...
E: Yup him.
M: I've had a crush on him for what like 5 fucking years. It's about time.
E: No one can not fall in love with your funny and wild personality.

Mahogany and I talked for the whole night until 3:00 I'm the morning when we both fell asleep on the phone.

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