A Run In With Seiya

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A week had passed since you met Yaten. You hadn't heard anything from or seen her since the time in the park. Currently your school,Celestial Academy was getting ready for a concert by the Three Lights. To be honest you didn't know who they were. All you knew was that they were an all girl group that had a tomboyish look and that despite the fact that they are girls some of their fans see them as boys. "(Y/N)!!" A yell of your name snapped you out of your trance. It was your best friend, Mika. "Sorry. I was kinda in a daze there could you repeat what you said?" Mika sighed. " I said I'm excited for the concert toady!! I get to see my beloved Seiya-kun~" Mika said as a bit of drool dripped from her mouth." I don't see why everyone's so crazy about them. They're just regular girls like us..." You said offhandedly. "Aaaaag!! Take that back before one of the super fans kills you!!" Mika said waving her hands erratically. Not like any of the super fans heard you, because as soon as you said what you did they ran to the window screaming and shouting praises. 'That means they're here already' " I honestly don't see why they made the music classes set up the auditorium stage." You said to no one in parts as you recalled an hour earlier setting up everything in music class. Soon enough the cheering calmed down and the girls tried following the Three Lights but were ultimately stopped by the headmistress of the school. As she gave the fangirls their warnings, you looked out the window. Raising your hand you asked to go to the restroom. It's not like you had to go or anything, you just didn't want to be cooped up in the class anymore. You all had been there for the past three hours. You wandered the hall lost in thought. Suddenly you were snapped back to reality when you bumped into someone. "Ah sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." You apologized quickly. "It's no problem cutie. It's always a pleasure to bump into cute girls like you." You looked at the girl in front of you. She had long black hair in a pony tail and beautiful blue eyes. For a minute you just stared at her with a loss for words. I mean what would you say if a complete stranger started flirting with you? "A fan shocked by my beauty?" She flashed a cocky smile. 'Wow conceited much?' You frowned. This did not go unnoticed by the other female. "I'm sorry...um?" 'She doesn't know who I am?" The female chuckles. "You're interesting, ya know?" She says starting to walk away. When the girl is halfway down the hall she calls out to you "oh yeah and by the way my name is Seiya." You stood there shocked. 'I just met Seiya Kou of the Three Lights without knowing it and she was just like a normal girl. Mika is going to kill me!'

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