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I wake because I'm overly hot. I'm so tired, I can't tell if I'm even awake. My head pounds from my hangover and I barely remember the events of last night.

I soon realize that the reason I'm so hot is because Seth is laying beside me, our limbs tangled as we cuddle naked. I'm laying on my side, my head resting on his chest under his chin. His arms are wrapped protectively around me and our legs are tangled, snaked around each other. His breathing is slow, soft and at peace.

My eyelids are heavy and part of me just wonders if I'm actually awake. Before I can stop myself, their closing and I drift back off into a blissful sleep.


Arms tighten around me, causing me to wake from my sleep. My head is killing me from my hangover as I blink my eyes awake. Seth is having a nightmare and pulling me tighter against his chest.

"No...leave her alone....don't touch her.." His voice is barely above a whisper, mumbling in his sleep. Its actually kind of cute.

Some of last nights events come back to me, but only a few in quick flashes of memory.

Seth flinches awake, sitting up straight and breathing heavily. Pulling the covers closer around me to cover myself, I sit up beside him. "Hey are you okay?" I rest my hand on his arm and try to calm him.

He nods and looks around as realization hits him at what we did. "Uhh did we..?"

"Um..yeah..." A blush rises to my face at the memory. I can tell he's remembering last night as well from the look on his face.

He rubs his hands over his face. "I'm sorry, I didn't really plan that to happen, especially while we were both pretty drunk." He rubs his head from the hangover he has as well.

"Its okay. Its not the first time its happened to me, and I'm sure its not a first for you too."

He nods and lays back down. "What I told you..don't tell anyone. Its a part of my past I don't like coming back to me."

"I wont, I promise." I lay back down beside him. "You should get some rest. Its still early in the morning."

Nodding, he closes his eyes as he slowly drifts back off to sleep.

I wake again a little later and decide to go make breakfast. I slowly crawl out of bed, careful not to wake Seth. I quickly pull on some panties and a bra and grab his black t-shirt off the floor. It goes about mid-thigh length and covers me enough. I tie my hair up in a messy bun and wash off what's left of my make up from last night. The whole house is a mess, and I'm glad we don't have to clean it up. The cleaning lady is already here and working on cleaning up the mess.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I see Jess sneaking quietly out of her room, in a white t-shirt I assume belongs to Dakota. "No way, you too?" She smiles and follows me to the kitchen.

"Before you start, I really don't want to hear about you getting laid. I'd like to not throw up this early in the morning before I even had breakfast yet." I open the cabinet and take a few aspirin for my hangover. Then I grab a bowl and ingredients to make pancakes. I mix the ingredients together in the bowl and pour them on the pan. "So I guess I'm cooking for four?"

"From the looks of it, the boys might not be up for breakfast." She smiles and sits at the counter.

"Oh don't exclude me yet," Dakota comes out in sweatpants and shirtless since Jess has his shirt.

"Did you plan to stay the night?" He wasn't wearing sweatpants to the party, he must've brought them over at some point earlier for them to have their fun.

Jess giggles which is a dead giveaway. "Maybe."

"Anyways, who did you have fun with? Is he still here, I'd love to meet the guy." Dakota smiles and I have a feeling he plans to embarrass me.

"There's my shirt," As if on cue, Seth walks up to the kitchen, shirtless and in his jeans from last night. He wraps his arms around my waist while I'm making pancakes. He smiles and kisses my cheek, and I'm surprised he shows this affection in front of Dakota and Jess. A blush rises to my cheeks and I turn to look at him and the others.

Dakota's jaw is dropped in surprise, or mere shock. "You?? You stayed the night? You never do that. Ever. And I haven't seen you like this since.." He stops midsentence and Seth tenses behind me.

"Well don't get used to it then. I was drunk." His arms release me and I feel a slight pang in my chest. He's returning to his previous self. Damnit why did Dakota have to bring up his past? He walks back upstairs to my room.

"Jess, finish cooking. I'll be right back."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to mess anything up. He gets really sensitive about his past." Dakota sits back in his seat feeling guilty.

"I know, its okay no need to apologize." I head upstairs to my room to find Seth grabbing his things to go.

Closing the door behind me, I stand to block the exit. He stops in front of me with narrowed eyes. He's pissed. "Move," his tone is flat.

"No." I cross my arms over my chest. I guess you could say I'm a defiant little rebel.

"I'm not in the mood, just move or I'll move you."

"No. Your going to run away and leave? What happened to what you said last night?"

"I was drunk and stupid." He moves to go around me but I step in front of him.

"So you didn't mean any of it? Because at the time you seemed pretty serious." I'm getting angry and my chest is constricted, I feel as if I'm going to cry.

"Doesn't matter. Just let me go." He narrows his eyes.

"What are you going to do, hurt me?" I snort a laugh, but its dry and emotionless. "Go ahead, wouldn't be the first guy to." He sighs, exasperated. "You said to fix you. Why don't you let me try?"

"Maybe I don't want to be fixed." He shrugs nonchalantly.

"Then why ask? You said you feel nothing when you kissed by girls, other than a turn on or whatever. Did you feel nothing last night? It sure didn't seem like it." I'm pretty sure it was something, more than something. "And you said you wouldn't leave, you wouldn't do that to me. You said you wouldn't toss me aside like everyone else.."

I step closer to him and he just stares at me with narrowed, emotionless eyes. I reach up and rest my hand on his face before pulling him down some more until our lips lock. His lips feel like heaven on mine, even though he's not responding yet. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me, closing the space between us. He begins to respond with gentle and hungry lips. His hands rest on my waist before his whole arm wraps around me. His free hand travels up to wrap in my hair, pulling me closer and deepening the kiss. Before I know it, I'm backed against my door, trapped between the door and him. My hands travel to his hair, tugging lightly on it. He groans in response and presses closer to me.

I pull back, breathing heavily just like him. "Is it still nothing?"

The emotionless eyes have changed, he actually feels something. I knew it wasn't nothing. He rests his forehead on mine. "No..not with you.."

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