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I hit her.. I think I actually hit her.. I catch her as she falls, in utter shock. I can't believe I accidentally hit her.. No words can describe the pain my heart feels knowing that I hurt her..

She had dodged Nick's punch and had jumped right in front of mine and I couldn't stop in time.. "Oh God I'm so sorry Roxy.." She can't hear me since she's unconscious, but I wish she could.

"You son of a bitch, you hit her!" Nick growls behind me.

"Fuck off or you'll be next!" I can't keep my calm with him here.

"Is that so?" He's practically challenging me to continue the fight.

"What the fuck happened??" Jess' voice drags my attention away from Nick. Dakota and Jess stand, staring at us and their eyes lock on Roxy.

"He hit her!" Nick points a finger at me.

"YOU DID WHAT!?" Jess may be small but she's never looked more scary in her life, she doesn't scare me..but I think she might be scaring Dakota. In a different situation where Roxy was okay, I might actually laugh at that. She looks as if she's about to attack me like a raging squirrel monkey, lunging at me.

Dakota holds her back and tries to calm her down. "Now I'm sure thats not exactly what happened, Seth would never try and hurt her."

"I didn't mean to.. I had came to find Roxy, I know how much she dislikes Nick so when it was taking awhile I began to worry. I found Nick pinning her against the wall trying to kiss her, forcing himself on her, touching her and slipping his hand inside her clothes.. and she was crying trying to get away. I haven't felt anger like that in awhile.. I snatched him off and we started to fight. Roxy kept trying to stand in the middle and push us apart but I kept trying to move her away and then she jumped into the middle to stop us from fighting and we swung and she dodged Nick's and jumped right in front of mine.. but I couldn't stop my hit in time..and I hit her." My heart constricts in my chest painfully and I clutch her small frame close to me.

Jess' eyes land on Nick, who also looks afraid of her. Dakota sighs, looking at Jess and then upwards. "God help that man.." He lets go of Jess and she lunges at Nick, jumping on his back and grabbing him by his hair. She looks like an actual squirrel monkey.

Nick yells out in pain and moves, wabbling a little and Jess smashes his head into the wall. She jumps off of him and he falls to the ground. She straddles him, nailing hit after hit, saying words in between each punch. "Don't. Ever. Fucking. Touch. My. Sister!!" Dakota grabs her quickly, pulling her off and holding her tightly.

"Okay, okay his face has had enough from the both of you, he's out, your good!" He tries to calm her and it works a little.

She wiggles her way out of his grasp and before I know it, a small, hard fist is colliding into my face. "And that's for hitting her!"

Dakota pulls her back. "Okay you won, you kicked ass, calm down before you kill someone!" He calms her down and her anger subsides.

I stare down at Roxy. I don'tgive a damn if it was a accident or not, I'm such a piece of shit for doing this. "I hurt her.. I can't believe I fucking hurt her.. I'm no better than her father, I'm just like him.."

"You're nothing like him..," her small voice makes my heart skip a beat.

She's okay, thank God she's okay!

Her eyes are cracked open, staring up at me. She blinks a bit and sits up, rubbing the already bruising part of her face. I let her go and we stand together. I back away from her, I don't want to touch her. Every part of me fears I will hurt her again. "I'm so sorry..." I can't come up with any other words to say. Dakota takes a very unhappy Jess away and back to the others.

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