Question One

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New fanfic in a different fandom, I'm a little outside of my comfort zone. I think it's always terrifying to post a new story, so I hope you enjoy.

Song in the description; Brother by Gerard Way


Crouching on the ledge of the window, I ignore the cramp in my foot begging me to stretch it out, if I move I'll get noticed. Balancing my body, I ignore the screaming in my head that this is dangerous. If I fall, my body will hit the concrete of the school campus and everyone will think I committed suicide. I'm risking my life up here, three stories up, so I can fuel my obsession with the art teacher.

Moving my shaky hand, I wipe away the window grime with my skeleton glove, so I could see in better. The lights are on, but I can't see him anyway, it doesn't make sense I didn't see Mr. Way leave the building. Unlike the other teachers, he seems to always be at school, walking down dark corridors.

"Frank what are you doing out there." Mr Way calls out, almost making me fall. He's leaning out one of the only windows in school that open, his black hair moving in the wind. "Please don't tell me you're planning on jumping." He sighs, before shutting the window and disappearing somewhere inside. It's pretty typical for everyone to think the emo kid is going to jump, it's like everyone's waiting for me to do it.

Staring down at the cracked concrete below, I can't help but see my body lying at the bottom. What would it be like feeling the impact of the ground, as my body lost life. "Frank." A voice calls out, snapping me back into reality. The wind is pulling me closer off the end, and my toes are hanging off, my small body getting pulled away. I might die here because I was stalking a teacher. "Fucking hell, Frank." The voice hisses, and fingers wrap tightly around my arm.

Startled by his voice, I take a step back but my feet miss the narrow ledge. I feel my heart skipping a beat, as my feet slip. The hold on my arm gets tighter, pulling me up. He holds me in his arms, the scent of coffee and cigarettes filling my nose. "That was close kid." He says, but I don't reply my body wrapped around Mr Way in a hug. It amazes me that he has enough strength to hold me from falling, while walking along the side of the building.

Pulling both of us through an open window, I find myself shaking and afraid in his art storeroom. It didn't make sense that the storeroom had a window, but then again this building was never made to be a school.

Blinking I stare at the supply closet, there were so many rumours about what went on here. Mr. Way never allowed students in here, locking the door behind his desk and now I could see why.

There's a small bed set up in the corner, the pillow case is just a shirt turned inside out. He has a single blanket; it's the kind you lay out on the ground for a picnic. It's difficult to believe that someone lives here, let alone Mr Way. "So you found out about my secret. Sorry I don't have a doormat, but welcome to my home." He dryly laughs, and I just stare at this place. A prison cell would be bigger than this.

"You live here?" I blurt out, the first word I've said the entire time. Mr. Way just rolls his hazel eyes and me before letting out a sigh, his hand reaching for a packet of cigarettes.

"No, I live in a palace with a fairy princess."


"I don't think that's any of your business." He scowls, opening the door of the store room and letting me out into his classroom. "Look kid, if you don't tell anyone about me living here. I won't tell them about your little suicide attempt." He continues, but something flickers behind his eyes like he doesn't want to make this deal.

"I wasn't trying to kill myself," I exclaim, and Mr. Way stares at me for a prolonged moment before lighting his cigarette. The smell is awful but I don't say anything.

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