Question Eighteen

282 23 17

Only two more chapters to go!

Song in the description; Dead! by My Chemical Romance


Balling his fists, Gerard bangs on the farmhouse door exactly four times. We know we need to hurry, the lights of a search helicopter had been grower closer since we left the barley field. I can tell Gerard's beginning to panic, the sweat on his brow has become red from the hair dye.

Clasping my hands together, I blow warm air through them. I didn't want to seem like I had lost hope but I had, the fact Gerard could think anyone lived here was amazing. I couldn't imagine Gabriele living anywhere that wasn't modern, let alone here. The farmhouse looked uninhabitable like a farmer had just locked it up and abandoned it.

There's a graveyard of stars litter above up, peeking through the tree tops. "Gerard," I mumble, pulling at the edge of his sleeve. His eyes dart over me and I can tell he's holding back tears as he bangs on the farmhouse door. "I'm tired, can we just stop?"

"No, Frankie just wait. She's here," he tells me and I just wrap my arms tightly around myself. They'll find us soon, I can just feel it and they'll kill both of us. It was my mistake, I shouldn't have killed my mom but it was between her and Gerard.

After his fail attempts of getting inside. Gerard swears under his breath kicking the door with his boot. "Gabriele, don't mess with me."

"I'm sorry."

"We'll be fine," Gerard tells me banging his fist against the door again. I can see the hope slowly fading from his body as he tries opening the door. "I swear she's here, this is her farmhouse."

"Let's just sit down", I suggest my body already slipping down the wall. My legs hurt from all the walking we had been doing.

"Okay," He mumbles, sitting down against the door with me. I lean aginst him, resting my head on his shoulder and staring out into the night. Gerard takes his hands in mine, running his thumb over the edge of my hand. "I'm sorry I tried killing you when I was younger."

"It was that or I actually killed you," I sigh. Since when did my life become so fucked, I don't even regret killing my mother. I'm not sure when the storm of emotions will hit me but for now, I'm numb. "I'm just afraid, I don't know what's happening anymore. I use to think my life was fucked but now it's more fucked than ever."

"If I hadn't loved you then this would have never happened," Gerard chokes out, his voice tripping up on the words. "God, Frank this is my fault."

"Gerard, your love was the only good thing in this whole mess. If you weren't here, I'd be a lifeless droid working with my mother." I explain, staring out into the dark. Gabriele isn't here and they'll find us soon, hell I don't even know if I killed my mom. I hope I killed her so she can't hurt anyone else, I want to pretend there was a reason for what she did but I can't. "And even if we die, I promise I'll find you time after time again."

"Why are you two on my doorstep?" A voice hisses. Looking up I see Gabriele standing there, shopping bags threaded through her arms. I had to admit she's pretty, prettier than the first time I saw her, blonde hair tumbling down in curls. Gerard could have chosen her over me, yet he didn't, it doesn't make sense.

"Gabriele," Gerard smiles widely clapping his hands together in excitement. "I never thought I would be glad to see you."

Her eyes dart between us and she opens her mouth to talk. "Way, you're in serious shit. Oh, and move I want to get inside."

"Frank killed his mom."

"What?" She blurts out, her lips forming a perfect red circle. "You kidnap him and then tell me he killed the person his father's been trying to kill for years."

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