Chapter 1: Morning

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  Ugh. I hate mornings, especially Monday mornings. Which today just so happens to be. I wish I could just stay here in my cozy pillow topped queen sized bed, where it was safe and warm. And also where I didn't have to go to school and face Chantel. But I don't even want to think about that.

   I finally do the one action that I didn't want to do, that would signal my body to stay awake. I open my eyes. Even though I seriously just want to go back to sleep. I turn my head and look at my alarm clock that is sitting on top of my cherry wood night stand and look to see that it is 4 am. I groan internally and outwardly. I mean can't my body just let me go back to sleep like a normal person would? But no, it's telling me, "Wakey wakey sleepy head, time to start the day!" As if it were some over perky cheerleader. Ugh. Over perky people annoy me and the fact that my body is acting like one is even more annoying. Considering my mind is saying to just go back to sleep. Which is what I really want to do but, apparently can't seem to.

   I look about my room, which is my favorite room in the entire house (except maybe the music studio). And I see the golden yellow walls with black crowning. I have a cherry wooden desk (actually all my furniture is cherry wood, dark cherry wood to be more accurate. I think it accents the color of the walls very well.) that holds my laptop and whatnot. I have a 42" flat screen television mounted to my wall, which is also a DVD player. My own walk-in closet and bathroom, a wooden hope chest at the foot of my bed, a full length mirror next to my door (On the side that won't get it smashed. Cause honestly, who wants 7 years bad luck?) so I can check how I look when I leave and even a balcony patio. Overall my room is very spacious. But none of that is even the best part of my amazing room. The best part of my room is my ceiling. Which everyone thinks is weird, at first. If you look up at my ceiling when it is completely dark you will see glowing stars. Which are just glow in the dark stars stuck to the ceiling. I love looking up at them. Even though people think that I have glow in the dark stars trailing my room, closet and bathroom is weird or childish. To me they look like the actual stars outside. Which are absolutely gorgeous. 

   I stare at the ceiling for awhile, and then out of nowhere in the dead of silence, I hear my laptop make a noise telling me I have a message. The noise scared the crap out of me. I look at the clock and it says it's 4:30am. I think who is messaging me this early in the morning? Whoever it is I don't want to talk to them, it's too early. But what if it's Rain?

   So, I reluctantly sit up, throw the blankets off of my bare legs, and almost screeched at how cold it was. So, I jumped out of bed, walked to the hope chest at the foot of my bed, opened it, and took out a warm blanket to cover my thin boxers and t-shirt. I close the chest and go sit down in my chair still wrapped in my blanket and look at my laptop to see who is messaging me at this godly hour. And as I look I couldn't help but smile. Because I was right, it was Rain, whose screen name is Guardian93. His message said:

Guardian93: Good morning sunshine. :)

MoonGazer94: Ugh. Only you would think the morning was good. I see it as a waste of my time and cutting into my beauty sleep.

Guardian93: ha-ha. And what beauty you have. And that beauty I cannot wait to see today at school.

  Ugh. School, I hate that place. I may have a 4.0 GPA but I still hate it there. The only good thing about that place is my twin sister, Annabeth, and our best friend Heather, and knowing that Rain is there. 

MoonGazer94: Rain, you of all people should know that I loathe school, and that the only reason I go is for my twin, Heather and you.

Guardian93: I know. :D

MoonGazer94: Which brings me to this. How is it fair that you get to see me at school 5 days a week and I get to see you none? I am curious to know who my mystery friend is.

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