Bonus Chapter 8.5: Slippy's Loyalty

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This bonus scene takes place during the second break in chapter 8 of "Star Fox: Eclipse," just after Fox returns to The Great Fox carrying Krystal unconcious on his back. Before the Star Fox team debriefs about the attack on Katina, Fox remembers something he wants to ask Slippy about from earlier...

Slippy Toad paced nervously back and forth in the control room of The Great Fox, uncertainty clouding his mind. Fox and Krystal should have been back by now, the short, green toad thought to himself. Why are they taking so long? They aren't even responding...

Fox and Krystal had left some time ago to visit the Beltino Orbital Gate, the space station named after Slippy's father, in order to learn more about the supposed death of Andrew Oikonny. They flew to the nearby space station in search of answers, hoping to uncover something by viewing the data collected at the gate's research station. But something was wrong; Fox and Krystal should not have been gone this long. Did something happen to them? Did they find out any more information? Slippy's mind was restless at the thought.

"Cheer up, buddy," came a voice from beside the toad, interrupting his thoughts. "Fox and Krystal should be back at any time," encouraged Falco. The tall, blue-feathered falcon gave Slippy a playful nudge. "It's Fox; wherever he is, I'm sure he's alright."

"Thanks, Falco, I hope you're right..." Slippy half-mumbled. He appreciated Falco's concern, it was a rare occasion when the bird would show his soft side- but still had doubts. Something inside of him felt wrong, as if he knew his friends were in some kind of danger.

At the other end of the control room, Lucy and Katt were talking among themselves occasionally in low voices. Even they seemed to be worried about Fox and Krystal. Falco may have said that everything was fine, but Slippy knew that deep down, he was concerned as well.

Suddenly, the elevator at the end hallway connected to the ship's bridge opened, and a rough looking figure stepped out from it. The brown-furred fox appeared to be carrying a blue furred vixen over his shoulder, and though they were rugged and beaten up, Slippy knew it was none other than Fox and Krystal.

Fox slowly fumbled his way down the hallway and toward the control room while Slippy, Falco, Katt, and Lucy rushed forward to assist him. It seemed like every step pained the Star Fox team's leader, like he was completely exhausted and could go no farther without collapsing.

"Fox, let me give you a hand!" Falco was the first to speak up, allowing Fox to lay Krystal into his arms. "What happened to you? I thought you flew over to the Orbital Gate just to talk to Beltino, not to fight with him!"

Of course, even in concern, Falco is as sarcastic as ever, Slippy remarked. He immediately positioned himself beside Fox so he could lean on him for support. The fox was quite taller than he was, but it was not a difficult task to support his lighter frame.

Before anyone could ask any questions, Fox took off, making his way for Krystal's room at the end of the hallway, nearly pulling Slippy down in the process. "We need to get Krystal into her bed. She's only passed out, but has some wounds that need tending. Lucy, Katt, will you go get ROB and some medical supplies from below and bring them up here to us?" His words were calm and smooth, but still betrayed a hint of concern for his injured friend.

The cat and rabbit nodded in response and disappeared down the hallway, vanishing from sight as the elevator doors shut behind them.

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