Darkness Falls (Ending 1)

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I'm not sure how long I stayed sitting against the wall I sat against. It felt like days, time was going by so slow. The fight before me moving half speed and sounds echoed around, muffled. I didn't even notice when the fight had stopped, Henry and the professor ran back over to where I sit, shaking me out of my trans.

"Jordan! Jordan get up, they're gonna be back!" Henry pleads giving my shoulder a firm shake.

I blink a few time and look up at him, "Thanks," I say, unsure really what to say about him saving me moments ago.

He shakes his head. He'd have probably laughed if the seriousness of the situation wasn't hanging over us.

"Come on, we're close," he says, quietly.

I hold my arm out to him and he grabs my hand lifting me up. I clench my fists and crack my neck to the side taking a deep breath while looking over to the warehouse. "You guys are staying here," I say looking over at the two. The professor's face is unmoving, he simply nods in understanding. However, Henry gives me a look of protest.

"Are you crazy? You would be dead right now if we hadn't came back along! You don't seriosuly think you can take her on by yourself do you?" He moves his hands eccentrically as he talks in distress.

I shrug, "Whether or not I can, it's what I have to do." I say as flat as possible, making it seem like there is no room for argument. There isn't, it has to end now and it has to be me. "There isn't time for this Henry. I need you guys to make sure that her minions don't interfere," I put a hand on his shoulder, "I promise I'll come back out." I wasn't sure who I was trying to convince more. Me, or him.

He doesn't say anything, just drops his head shaking it side to side.

I look to the professor and he gives me a nod, "we'll have your back." He says, cracking his large handed knuckles.

I nod back and they move into the maze of buildings hunting out straggling shadows. I look down at my outfit: black windbreaker and dark jeans. It was odd, walking into a fight that could be my last I'm busy worrying about what I was wearing? I must really not have a lot of faith in myself. I run a shaking hand through my hair and start walking toward the warehouse.

As adrenaline started returning and the weight of the battle ahead grew, I broke into a light sprint. Careful not to expend too much energy but still getting there in a quick pace. Soon, I was on the warehouse grounds. My eyes glaze over a glowing purple. "Shade!" I yell, my voice coming out hoarse. I make the rest of the jog up to the warehouse, opening the warehouse doors.

"Welcome home," a familiar voice echoes around with no clear origin.

"This isn't my home," I hiss, scouring the surroundings, "you manipulative psycopathic bitch."

She laughs. "I guess I won't be convincing you to rejoin me? Too bad, you would have made an excellent weapon of destruction."

"I've already destroyed too much," I say through gritted teeth. She was trying to stir me up before the fight, and it was working.

"Oh, poor Neya. She was a beautiful tool in unraveling you."

"She- she's not a tool." My fists clench, "Where are you?!"

She forms in front of me, shadow Ravens flying out of the darkest corners of the barely lot warehouse, slamming together until they created the human shape that is Shade. She floats there with a wide devilish grin, her red eyes narrowed into slits.

I was no longer thinking. She barely had a chance to start speaking again before, in one swift move, I form a blade around my balled fist and send it unaimed in her direction. She grabs it out of the air pulling on it and dragging me with it. She pulls me close wraping my chin in her hand tilting my head forcefully.

"What a shame." She says letting go as a spider leg-like appendage of darkness shoots out of her back toward me.

I say nothing, caught in a deadly rampage, I dodge to the right, the spike driving itself into the ground. She growls, struggling to get it free from the concrete as I run back toward her. I first drive my bladed arm up to cut through the spike protruding from her back. It disintegrates and I send a kick into her side to get her away before she has a chance to act.

I throw myself back, swinging my fist through the air before letting the spike of darkness fly off of my fist and sending it quickly in her direction. It burries itself in her chest and she laughs.

The spike bubbles and absorbs into her, "You can't win this fight!" She calls as four more spikes sprout from her back and fly in my direction. I jump and tumble backward missed barely by the quick moving spikes. As I tumble across the cold ground my back rams into something sharp making me wince but I roll over it. As I stand up I pick up the rusted and jagged metal scrap, hiding it behind my fore arm.

I run back at her, and she sprouts more spikes in anger at my swiftness. There were probably ten now, flying past my visions as I came close to her and brought my fist up into her chin, the metal spike in between my knuckles. It connects in a sick crack and as I push it through a pained gurgle is cut off as it drives itself farther past the roof of her mouth.

Her eyes lose their sharpness, but her grin stays.

Everything felt cold, suddenly. As she went limp falling onto her knees, I fall too. Three of her dark spear appendages protruded grotesquely from my chest in awry angles.

I feel their tips a tear in my eyes at the moment. I laugh a bit, almost relieved.

The sound of footsteps echo into the warehouse as I feel myself fading away. I turn to see Henry and the professor showing up far too late.

Slowly, I close my eyes in peace.

"I'm coming, Neya." I struggle out, as a screaming Henry cradles my head.

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