Finding the Light (Ending 2)

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I'm not sure how long I stayed sitting against the wall I sat against. It felt like days, time was going by so slow. The fight before me moving half speed and sounds echoed around, muffled. I didn't even notice when the fight had stopped, Henry and the professor ran back over to where I sit, shaking me out of my trans.

"Jordan! Jordan get up, they're gonna be back!" Henry pleads giving my shoulder a firm shake.

I blink a few time and look up at him, "Thanks," I say, unsure really what to say about him saving me moments ago.

He shakes his head. He'd have probably laughed if the seriousness of the situation wasn't hanging over us.

"Come on, we're close," he says, quietly.

I hold my arm out to him and he grabs my hand lifting me up. I clench my fists and crack my neck to the side taking a deep breath while looking over to the warehouse. "You guys are staying here," I say looking over at the two. The professor's face is unmoving, he simply nods in understanding. However, Henry gives me a look of protest.

"Are you crazy? You would be dead right now if we hadn't came back along! You don't seriosuly think you can take her on by yourself do you?" He moves his hands eccentrically as he talks in distress.

I shrug, "Whether or not I can, it's what I have to do." I say as flat as possible, making it seem like there is no room for argument. There isn't, it has to end now and it has to be me. "There isn't time for this Henry. I need you guys to make sure that her minions don't interfere," I put a hand on his shoulder, "I promise I'll come back out." I wasn't sure who I was trying to convince more. Me, or him.

He doesn't say anything, just drops his head shaking it side to side.

I look to the professor and he gives me a nod, "we'll have your back." He says, cracking his large handed knuckles.

I nod back and they move into the maze of buildings hunting out straggling shadows. I look down at my outfit: black windbreaker and dark jeans. It was odd, walking into a fight that could be my last I'm busy worrying about what I was wearing? I must really not have a lot of faith in myself. I run a shaking hand through my hair and start walking toward the warehouse.

As adrenaline started returning and the weight of the battle ahead grew, I broke into a light sprint. Careful not to expend too much energy but still getting there in a quick pace. Soon, I was on the warehouse grounds. My eyes glaze over a glowing purple. "Shade!" I yell, my voice coming out hoarse. I make the rest of the jog up to the warehouse, opening the warehouse doors.

"Welcome home," a familiar voice echoes around with no clear origin.

"This isn't my home," I hiss, scouring the surroundings, "you manipulative psycopathic bitch."

She laughs. "I guess I won't be convincing you to rejoin me? Too bad, you would have made an excellent weapon of destruction."

"I will never be your tool, come and face me, witch." I call fearless and more brave than I probably should be.

Ravens of shadow fly out of the darkest corners of the warehouse, smashing together in front of me, forming the body of Shade.

I stumble back a bit. "Flashy entrance." I say under my breath, as she grins at me with evil red eyes.

"Time to die, then." She says simply, rushing forward a bit, a few spikes of darkness protruding from her back and snaking their way in my direction with super speed. I form a shield wall in front of me and hear the echoing crack sound of the spikes hammering into the wall. Run through the wall, some of it forming around me like smooth armor, my fist covered in a long spike. Her spears of darkness strike and bounce off of the solid onyx armor I cased myself in. She looked annoyed.

As I drew near, I brought my sword arm up and into her chest. It bubbled around my fist, I could feel it being absorbed into her infernal body. I look panicked at my arm, releasing the grip I had on the armor and it fell off. I jump backward too little too late and one of her spikes drives itself deep into my shoulder, protruding from the other side. She lifts me into the air by my shoulder, me holding onto it

"Gah!" I yelp my arm going limp at the shoulder wher it is being pierced.

She laughs, sending a second one into my other shoulder, "Oh, I am going to enjoy killing you slowly!" She coos sickly.

Everything started to blur as I stopped struggling and a warm feeling washed over me, my pain disappearing.

Before I knew it, I was standing in the middle of a white room.

"Where...?" I look around and see Neya standing next to me just before she speaks.

"There is always the smallest bit of light in darkness, just as there is darkness in light. They can't survive without the other." She looks over to me and smiles, "I guess I won't be seeing you again... Give her what she deserves, Jordan." She pulls me in for a hug.

All at once, I'm back in reality, Shade is cowering away her eyes pained slits. I look around at the warehouse which seems illuminated somehow. I look down at myself, seeing the intense glow coming off of me.

I look back to shade, powerless in the intense light I'm creating. Even if I didn't understand what was going on I wasn't going to pass up a chance to end this.

I bring my hand forth like holding a bow and pull back my other. A bright dart materializes in my finger tips. I let go.

It soars through the air sounding like a lightning strike. As it comes in contact with Shade it burns a hole through her body, a hole the size of a fist straight through her chest.

It was hard to think she used to be human.

I watch in disgust as her body desintigrates the way her minions do, but slower. She gurgles. "You could have been so much moreover full at my side." She says wistfully, and then she was gone.

The light coming from me fades and I drop to my knees, feeling weak.

It's over.

We're free. I'm free.

The dark spire dissipates and the sun shines through the holes in the warehouse roofing. A beautiful day.

The rest of the moments pass like a blur, Henry hugging me and asking if I'm alright, the professor congratulating me with tears in his eyes.

The long war is over.

Where Shadows Lurk (A Poor Example of My Writing Ability)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat