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"I've been drinking, I've been drinking I get filthy when that liquor get into me I've been thinking, I've been thinking Why can't I keep my fingers off it, baby? I want you, na na Why can't I keep my fingers off it, baby? I want you, na na"

I woke up to my alarm which was drunk in love by the queen. "Ahh! Magcon! Magcon! Magcon!!" I screamed waking Hannah up who was still fast asleep.

Hannah jumped out of bed, finally. "ahhh! ok im taking a shower brb." she said walking into the bathroom, still screaming. I picked out a cute outfit to wear. Something that sends the right message to the guys, like 'I'm not a whore, but I'm not a prude either'

The weather was supposed to be really hot in L.A. today so I decided to wear a light pink brandy melville dress, with an open back. I wore a black bralette under it, to look good with the open back. I paired it with white vans, and I wore a pretty necklace, that was a silver chain and the charm was a tortoise stone.

I also put on spandex under my dress just to be safe.

When i was completely ready, Hannah was just getting out of the shower.

"Han, hurry we don't have a lot of time." I grabbed her outfit that she picked out last night. It was a white halter top with the words, 'Paris, France' writing in black. She had paired it with high waisted, dark jean shorts. She was wearing it with teal vans. She blow dried her curly hair and let it fall naturally.

While she got got dressed, I did my makeup, just eyeshadow, mascara, and a thin line of eyeliner. I didn't really need foundation cause I have pretty good skin.

Hannah then did her makeup which consisted of winged eye liner, mascara, lipgloss, blush, and foundation.

We grabbed our suitcases and drove to the airport. Magcon here we come!

When we finally arrived at the hotel in L.A. we were about 3 hours early so we could go up to our room which was 906, and we had time to unpack, and just chill for a while before we have to go downstairs.

Nash POV

Me and all of the guys decided to stay in the same hotel that the events will be at. Our fans don't know which is good I guess because we get our privacy.

"Okay guys so the V.I.P will be here in three hours, so you all should go up to your rooms and start getting ready. Be downstairs at 9:00 sharp." Bart says leading us upstairs to our rooms.

me, cam, matt, shawn, and gilinsky were in room 912 and Johnson, carter, taylor, and aaron where in 914
"im so excited guys." i said jumping on my bed.

"Same bro, maybe there will be some hot chicks..." Cam smirked.

I laughed. "yeah maybe."

we chilled and vined for a while until it was 8:50. "Guys V.I.P. will be here soon we should head down." I said as I grabbed everyone off their asses as we head to the elevator.

Lily POV

"han it's 9:50, and we're V.I.P so we should head down." We took the stairs because we wanted exercise. We got in line and we were early so we were close to the front. We all got numbers and I was 17 and Hannah was 18. "Im so excited I might cry!" I said.

"I know I'm gonna meet Cam!" hannah shouts. "I'm gonna meet Nash!" i shout back. "Ok ladies the doors will be opening any minute." Bart said. My ears hurt like hell from all of the teenage girls screaming...including me.

I checked the time 9:00!! the doors had opened and I grabbed Hannah's arm and pulled her to Nash and Cam's booth. We were like 4th in line because i pushed past everyone. The line moved slowly as each girl got to give them a hug, take a picture, and then cry into their chest for about 10 minutes. This kept happening with each girl. Soon it was my turn to go up.

Nash let go of the girl in front of me. He turned his head to look at me. He looked shocked...he wasn't moving and his mouth was lightly open. I walked up to him and he kept his expression as his eyes followed me. "uh nash?" i asked waving in his face. He was just in his own world.

I snapped in his face and he blushed. "oh sorry." he finally spoke.

Oh my god. Im next to nash fricking grier. holy fucking shit this is real.

I took a picture with him and he asked for one on his phone too. This is so surreal. I hugged him and neither of us would let go for about 10 minutes and people in line were annoyed. I finally broke the hug and said, "I love you so much." i said with tears dwelling in my eyes. "aw i love you too...Hey you wanna hangout tonight?" he blushed "h-h-hang-hang out?" i stuttered. "yeah im in room 912, come by around 8:00?" he asked. "s-sure....uh can i bring a friend?" "yeah of corse. see you later." he hugged me again. I let go and waved goodbye as he greeted the next girl.

I can't believe what just happened. I think i'm gonna faint. Hannah was still crying into cam's chest. i waited for her as i was still in shock of what just happened. Hannah finally made her way over to me sobbing. "I just hugged cameron dallas" she said through tears.

"I know and guess what!" I jumped. "what?" her tears slowed down. "Nash invited me to hang out with him and the guys tonight and he said i could bring you!!" I screamed "AHHHHHH!!!!!!" she screeched. I covered my ears in pain.

"i know, i know...this stuff only happens in fanfiction... i cant beileve this is happing in real life."

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