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After a really long drive, Nash finally pulled over somewhere, but it was too dark to see where. "Where here." He said excitedly. He got out and walked around the car to open the door for me like a gentleman. "Thanks." I said before i stepped out.

It was really dark but i was trying to gather some details of my surroundings. It looks like we are in the middle of a clearing in the woods, right next to a lake. It was beautiful. You could see so many stars. More stars then I have ever seen.

"Wow...this veiw is b-beau-----" I was interupted by Nash. "beautiful." he said looking straight at me. I turn to face him and i looked at him in awe. Is it possible that Nash Grier likes me? me? he could literally have any girl in the world.

"come here" he said leading me the dock by the lake. We sat down to dip our feet in. "Cold?" he asked me. I nodded and he ran to his car to grab a sweatshirt and blanket. He tossed me the sweatshirt and it smelled like him. I put it on and he sat down next to me again and draped the blanket over the two of us.

"Well...Ive seen you on youtube and stuff but I don't really know you and you dont know me at all...maybe we should try to get to know each other." i said breaking the silence.

"Ok yeah, uh wanna play 20 questions?" He asked turning his head toward me. Even in the dark, his sparkling blue eyes pierced through me.

I nodded. "You start."

"Okay, uh where do you live...and not in like a creepy way just like what city?" he laughed at himself. "I live in Seattle." I giggled.

"Um...whats your'e biggest goal you have for yourself?" I asked and he looked up as he was thinking. "I think my biggest goal in life is to make people happy, and do good things for people....ya know? I wanna be known as someone that people can look to when theyr'e down. I wanna be able to boost people up." He said seriously. I smiled. "What about you?" he asked.

"This is gonna sound stupid...." I looked down. "try me." he lifted my chin up with his index finger so that i was at eye level with him. "I wanna change the world. And i don't mean, like create some new technology, or find the cure for cancer, and i mean those things would be great. But i wanna change the world with acting, with films, and creating characters and stories. Ever since....i was a little girl...When ever i was feeling down or depressed i would get lost in a film, i was always so fascinated by filmmaking and becoming a character. It would always lift my spirits and make me forget about all the pain and suffering in the world. I wanna give that to other people all around the world. I want to help people with real issues. Like starvation, and suicidal thoughts, and abusive parents, and I wanna help them forget about all of the bad things in the world and help them by getting them lost in a story. I know people don't really understand it. But ultimately that is what is going to change the world in the end. Not just me. But everyone involved with storytelling and filmmaking and writing and all of the above. The idea that a 'happy ending' is possible is what gives people hope. And that's what I want to do. I want to Act, or direct, or produce...or write. Maybe all of the above. I want to change the world through filmmaking and storytelling. I want to make people realize that there is always hope and always something to turn to in a time of need. And that can be me. In a film. In a story. I can be a part of a teem that can bring back life into lives of people in need." I finished my rant and looked up to nash who had teary eyes.

"why are you crying?" i half smiled. "God you're such a good person. you're kind. and caring and empathetic and so much more. I wish i could be more like you. You're going to go far in life, and we need more people like you out there. Youre one of the few people that actually care about others and want to do something amazing for the greater good. And i believe you will. you will change the world Lily. And im excited to see what you will do." He said wiping his eyes. Now i was crying too. "thank you Nash." I smiled through tears. He started leaning in. I leaned in. Our lips were inches apart. I closed my eyes, and nash gently smashed his lips into mine. The connection of our lips sent chills down my body. Causing every muscle to awaken and every cell to energize and every part of me was filled with lust and passion. Our lips moved slowly together so in sync.

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