Chapter 1

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It seemed like all of Redwood were inside of this one house. Beer bottles strewn about on the front lawn, people stumbling over one another, cars lined up for miles it seemed. All of this for Blake Taylor's "End of the Summer, End of our Freedom" Bash.

I sit in the car just looking at the madness before my eyes. I honestly could be home watching Pretty Little Liars but instead I'm outside of my ex's house because Emily dragged me here claiming this will be "the party of the summer".

Feeling a sudden cool breeze, I turn to see Emily standing outside my car door tapping her foot impatiently. Just as I was about to talk my way out of going in there, she shoots me this death glare that makes me snap my mouth shut.

"Don't you even dare try to talk your way out of walking into that party, Ava. You can cry over Ezria's relationship problems tomorrow. Now let's go!"

Sighing loudly, I reluctantly got out of my car and locked the doors. Turning back towards Emily, she raised an eyebrow and smirked. My hand twitched with a need to smack that smirk off of her face but before I had time to go through with doing so, she grabbed my arm and was making way towards the front door with me in tow.

Being in front of Blake's house again brings back so many unwanted memories. His house is huge! A pale ivory color runs along the edges outlining the house, beautiful flowers lined up at the end of the sidewalk, and several white marble pillars leading to the entrance. The house in general, gave a feeling of calmness yet extravagance to all who passed by. That is until Blake throws a party.

Loud, energetic music and the strong scent of alcohol seeped out of the doorway. Upon opening the door, I was partially stunned.

There were people everywhere! Some making out, some dancing on each other, and others talking along the wall drinking their way to unconsciousness. Needless to say, it was a madhouse.

After squeezing and pushing our way through dozens of sweaty bodies, we finally made it inside. Immediately we headed straight to the kitchen for some drinks.

Emily walked over to the kitchen island where all sorts of drinks were on display and started mixing a concoction of her own for the both of us.

"Here, Aves. You look like you could use some of this." Emily said passing me my first cup of the night.

Several drinks later and party Ava is here! Grabbing Emily's arm, I stumbled our way to the make-shift dance floor in the living room.

The living room was full of people moving to the beat of the music. Bodies were moving around me in blurs. I wasn't sure who just grabbed me by my waist to dance nor did I care. I just want to dance!

Letting the music take over me, I closed my eyes and swayed to the beat of the music.

As I continued dancing, I kept feeling the strangers hands becoming tighter and tighter on my waist. I tried moving forward to loosen his hold on me but he didn't get the hint. I turned around to look at him and my heart stopped beating.

Time stood still and I almost peed on myself.

Oh my God.

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