Rocky- Wedding

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Its the reception at your's and Rocky's wedding and your dad steps up to give a speech. You laugh and blush a bit because you know he's going to embarrass you. This is what he says:

"From the second she was born, (Y/N) was a major headache. As a baby she screamed constantly. When she was a toddler, she loved having tea parties. Guess who she made wear a giant feather boa and a tiara meant for a doll? Then she started school and started going through phases that included a bunch of weird stuff: dolls, Disney, boy bands, then actual bands. I saw her hanging up this R5 poster when she was seventeen and asking her how long it was going to stay on her wall. (Y/N) just looked at me and told me this one was different. Here we are five years later, and I gave her away to the lead guitarist of the band."

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