Coffee Cake- Ratliff

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It's a Friday night, and you're working late at your mom's diner- a little thing at the side of the highway that no one would go to if they were paid. Since you have no social life whatsoever, you offer to close up. You are about to leave when a young man, around your age, sits down in a booth in the corner. You're mom makes the best coffee cake, so you offer him the last slice.

"Sure, I'd love some," he says. He looks up and you see that it is Ratliff. "If it's so good, do you want to share it?"

"Why not?"

You and Ratliff sit and talk, long after the cake is gone. He pays for the cake, and then walks you home. You get cold, so he gives you his jacket.

As he drapes it around your shoulders, he asks, "What would your dream date be?"

"Sitting under the stars, listening to cute love songs," you smile.

"Okay." He smirks

You reach your apartment, and he gently kisses your cheek. "Goodnight, So, I'll pick you up at 8?"

"For what?"

"That date." Ratliff chuckles and walks off.

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