Just For Rydellington

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You are an extremely talented pianist, and your best friend plays drums. The two of you have been playing together for years. You do covers(mostly of R5 songs or songs they have covered) and the two of you post videos on YouTube. The last song you covered was Counting Stars by One Republic.

"Hey, Y/BF/N! Come look at this!" you yell. You were scrolling through your Instagram when you found a video Rydel posted saying that her and Ratliff were dating.

"I knew it!" (she/he) exclaims.

*two and a half years later*

A special episode of R5TV is released. The band is releasing a new single to celebrate the wedding of Ellington Lee Ratliff and Rydel Mary Lynch. It will be dropped the day of the wedding(awe) and lead vocals are by Rydel and Ratliff. Too cute.

*nine months later*

A cute wedding photo is posted on Instgram. Rydel has a long, slim, white dress, and Ellington is in a slim fiting, black tux. They are kissing. AWE!

*six months later*

You and your best friend are attending a live R5 interview. Rydel and Ratliff are being all cute and cuddley, and they keep whispering. All the questions are bein selected at random from the audience.

The host calls, "Okay, next question comes from seat 7A!" Oh my gosh! You are sitting in 7A! You stand, and a tech person brings you a mic.

"Rydel, Ratliff," you begin, "it isn't exactly a secret that you two recently got married. Is there anything new in the relationship that us fans would be interested in?"

They start whispering again. Gosh, why are they being so secretive.

"Um," Rydel speak up, "anything the fans would be interested in. Well, Ratliff and I went to the doctor the other day-" she is interupted by a million 'ooh's- "We went to the doctor, and I am six weeks pregnent!"

A million pregnancy questions are sparked through the crowd. After the interview, Rydel and Ratliff stop you before you can leave.

"We just want to thank you for making the announcement a lot easier," Ratliff smiles.

"Anytime," you say.

*9 months later*

You and your best friend have front row tickets and meet and greet tickets for R5's last concert for a while (with Rydel about to give birth and all). The meet and greet is before the concert, so the two of you are in line and taking pictures an hour before the concert. You walk over to take your picture with Rydel, when she starts having contractions. She and Ratliff rush to the hospital.

"What are we going to do?" Riker asks.

"Are we going to have to cancel the show?" Ross asks.

"Wait!" you say. "My friend and I, we play drums and piano and have covered every R5 sing in exsistance. We could play so you guys don't have to cancel."

"Yeah. You don't have to though," Y/BF/N says.

"You guys would do that?" Rocky asks. We excitedly nod.

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