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Lilly POV

I told Mel that we would be going to the mall. Before we went to the mall we stop at McDonald to get some food.We both got the same thing a bacon mcdouble with frappe.I got a carmel frappe && she got an oreo frappe. After eating we went to the mall.

Mel's pov

We went to victoria secret first because I wanted some new undergarments. After that we went to forever 21 for some shirts. I saw Madison. I chose to ignore her.I thought it was best because im not trying to catch a case.(A/N I also dont have a problem with madison its just for the book.)She looked upset for some reason. I went to find Lilly she was in H&M for pants I told her I would come here once I bought my shirts.

Lilly pov

I saw Mel in H&M so I assumed she bought her shirts. Now she looking to buy pants like me. I walk behind her and tap her on the shoulder. She turns around relief washes over her face. She must have been looking for me. I ask her to help me pick out some pants and she smiles.  Something is up with her.

Madison pov

I was just in forever 21 when I saw Mel. I wanted to apologize for everything. But before I could finish checking out she was already gone.Oh well. I walk some more through the mall when i seen the perfect jump suit in H&M. It was just a sleeve less black one. I walked in and grabbed it. But only to face the fact that Mel already had it I quickly apologized not wanting any more bs. I also apoligized for everything else. Then went to look at the shirts and accesories.   

Jack pov

I been thinking about Mel all week. I tried calling her straight to voicemail. I sent a lot of texts, no respond. Great the silent treatment. I can't even be mad that she is giving me the silent treatment though. Because Madison hurt me and when she did Mel was there for me. And then plot twist I go off on her...What the fuck is wrong with me? I keep defending Madison over people whohave really been there for me the most. I call johnson "I really need to clear my mind. I also think i'm in love with both Madison and Mel. Which isn't right to neither of them. I know what your thinking...How can I love both of them? Truth is i don't even know. Please just help me Johnson" I say all at once. " I'm coming over tonight... I know how to clear you mind...LETS GET HIGH" he yells the last part in my ear. I start laughing " ok be here at 10" i say then hang up

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