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^Nate Pov^
I wake up and see Noah?
" what the hell"
" Hello I'm Doctor Hun and I just want to let you know that your free to go and I think your wife is sleeping in the car"
I nod and get Dressed and grab the kids and go look for Mel's Car
I really wanna know how Noah Got here?
I find Mel sleep in the passenger seat
I knocked on the window
"Hey" she smiles and opens the door and puts the kids in the car
"What did the doctor say"
" she said I was able to go home and that you were sleeping in the car" I laugh
She nods and starts the car
" what do y'all want for dinner"
Everyone yelled McDonald's
Me nods and whips in the McDonald's
Mel takes the orders and goes In to the McDonald's
^Mel pov^
I know Im acting weird but I really don't want Nate to find out my little secret
When I was ordering I feel someone staring at me I turn and see Harry
I look back and the cashier looked like she just Shit her pants
" Really Harry" I say annoyed
He laughs
" Well sister I'm just here trying to get some food"
The lady gives me the bag of food I hand her a 20 and she wouldn't take it
"It's on the house" she said shaking
I get mad and go around to the register and open it and shoved the 20 in there and walked out
" and you say I'm the mean one" He laughed
" So I know you lied about Noah being yours and I know your dating Nate Maloley and You have custody of Summers kids which isn't dead she just didn't want the kids"
I looked shocked that bitch
" So I'm going to need Noah back"
"Hell no!" I scream
" if you don't Nate dies because I don't like him or his gang or  you join us and take mom's place"
I just stood there" No" when i said that He pulled out a gun and Amed it at my car
"Fuck okay I'll join😒" he smiles
"Good Tomorrow meet me at the house so The family can see you"
He walked away
"Oh yeah and were something nice"
I flip him off and go to the car
" where's  the food?"  Nate says
Shit. I look back and see Harry with the bag
" Fuck!" I scream it looked like everyone was scared
" I'm sorry"
" it's okay mama" Noah says
" ill get you guys something else" I say driving away
^ Nate Pov^
Mel looked angry and annoyed
" Are you okay baby"
She just stared at the road
" yeah I'm good"
She's lying and I'll find out what it is.

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