Chapter 36

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"Who is this?" Josh asks me as he goes through my drawings. My head still hurts from last night party. It's already 4pm and I'm still confused of what happened there. All what Josh told me was that I had a moment and I called him to get me home.

At least I'm clean after the shower I took. When I woke up my hair was a mess...
I look at the drawing he shows me and I shrug.

"I don't know ... Some guy I have in mind.." I say looking on the ceiling again.
"You have a lot of drawings of this guy and you don't know who he is ... And now you expect me to believe you ..." He laughs looking at the drawing again.

"What are you talking about?" I ask confused lifting my body up from that bed flinching to catch a glance of my drawings.
Woah .. I never realized I did so many of a particular guy. He seems hot ... Really hot. I can tell he's blonde by the small amount of scratches and he has an exact lip ring as Jax has... FUCK -I just remembered I was with him when my stomach had that moment.

"It's not a real person Josh. He's too hot to be alive." I chuckle going to the sketches of his portrait. "Well it's still weird having you draw this imaginary guy thousands of times.." Josh laughs and I roll my eyes playfully. "Are only 11 drawings of him. Stop being a bitch." I chuckle and he raises he's hands in defence.

"You know who was at the party last night?" I remembered I should tell Josh about Jax.
"Jackson Irwin...?" He asks jumping in my bed. I frown my eyes and then smile.
"How'd you know I was gonna say his name?" I arrange the drawings in my portfolio and look at him for a reply.

"Well I saw you two together ... He's totally into you and I'm starting to think you have something for him also..." He squezes his eyes thinking over the possibilities.
"I don't." I shout in defense for some reason. "I mean ..." I let my voice take it's own tone "he has a girlfriend anyways.." I roll my eyes sitting in my desk chair.

"Come on Cher ... You know you can't lie to me. I've known you since we were little. You wouldn't took those tutoring sessions with him if you didn't like him." He smiles wiggling his eyebrows to me.

"Fine ..whatever. He's ...handsome."
"You mean hot?" He laughs
"Handsome. And he has a girlfriend." I state slower.
"It's not like that ever stopped you before." He smiles and I roll my eyes. "And it's not like he wouldn't have kissed you last night if it wasn't for you puking all over..." He adds laughing and my heads snaps at him.

"You know?" I ask sort of embarrassed that he had to witness my awkward moment.
"Yeah ... I was just a few steps behind you." Josh laughs still and I swap my arm to him.
"Shut up.." I smile.

"Tell him Cher." He speaks now pretty serious that I find myself laughing.
"I mean it." He continues. "Tell him what exactly?" I ask confused.
"That you like him?" He says in a 'duh' tone.

"Yeah right ..cause that wouldn't be awkward. I'll just wait and see what happens." I smile to Josh and he nods.

Just like I said ... I won't tell Jax anything and I'll pretend nothing happened. If he wants to say something than I will get around with it. I'm just walking to his little tutor room in the school, that room where I first talked to him. As I enter I see his girlfriend glaring at me. Why do I want to punch her so bad? It's not like she did anything to me...

"Hey ... Is Jax here?" I ask looking around. "Jax? No .. But I'll tell him you looked for him." She gives me a fake smile and turns to whatever thing she's writing.
"Don't bother.. I'll just call him." I say getting out of that room. Well he said I should go there and now he's not here ...

I dial the number, from he sent me that text telling me to come here, hoping he will pick up.
"Hey ..." I say as he finally decides to pick up. "Cher? ...fuck. I'm sorry I was just so caught up in this problem I forgot we meet today... Uhmm can you come to my place? I told dad I'll watch over my little sister."
"OK.. Yeah no problem."
"Cool. I'll text you the address." He says and I have no idea how I should feel.

In about a 20 seconds I received a text form him. So this really is his number... I should add him in my contacts.
I go in the parking lot and start my motorcycle driving to his place.

Damn ... As I reach his front door all types of crazy feelings take over me. Why am I so nervous? This is weird...
"Hey." He smiles opening the door. "Well hey there.." I get in and he shows me the way to his room.
"Sorry about the mess." He takes another chair and places it for me at his desk.
"Don't worry." I don't understand why he apologized's not like it's a dirty room..

"Sorry that you had to come all this way. I just really promised dad I'll stay with Miriam." He smiles and I can't even be mad at him ...
"Stop apologizing Jax. You actually live pretty close to my house. Didn't know you were only a few blocks away." I smile assuring him that he has nothing to worry about.

"Really?" "Yeah .. Now let's just do math .." I chuckle and he nods. After an hour and a half of explanations I believe I started to understand this chapter we're on.
Mom sent me a text asking where I am I guess I forgot to tell her I'll be tutored..

"So you understand?" He asks putting down the pen. "Yeah .. Sort of." I smile and I hear someone getting in the room.
"Hey Ja- oh .. Didn't realize you had guests .." A man voice comes to my ears and I turn around to see a tall blonde curly haired man. I suppose this is his father.

"Hey dad.. Yeah." Jax said and the mam kept looking at me. "Hello Mr. Irwin." I smile and he smiles back.
"So who is she?" He chuckles to Jax and Jax sighs sort of embarrassed. "She's my friend.. Cher." Jax rambles
"Cher Clifford, sir." I smile at the situation.

"Clifford?" He asks surprised. "Yeah." I state and he keeps checking me out. "Is your ... Uhm it couldn't ... Are you Michael Clifford's daughter?" He finally asks after rambling around just like his son.

"Yes." Woah's surprising me to know that Jax's father knows my father...
"No way ... What a small world." He smiles and Jax seems just as surprised as me.
"You know my father?" I ask and Mr. Irwin nods. "Yes ..he was .. Well uhm it's a little more complicated... He's good friend from our home town was my student ...she died .. I've never seen him after the funeral." Jax's dad doesn't seem to comfortable talking about this and it just stirs the curiosity up in me.

"Oh yeah ..he told me about that girl." I state making things a little less awkward.
"Oh really?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah ..well she ..she was special to all of us I guess." After hearing him saying this I just want to find out more. Who was that girl? Did my dad loved her? Was she he's first love? And why was she so special to Jax's dad if she was a student of his ..was she that smart?

"Well it's good to meet you Cher. Tell your father he should come over sometime. I'll let you two do your thing." He smiles to us.
"Yeah ..I'll tell him." I say and he waves at us. "Bye dad." i finally hear Jax talking again.

"Well that was awkward ..." He states laughing. "Can you imagine our dads know each other?" I ask still thinking about what happened in that town.
"Weird ..I know." I shake off my thoughts and we get back at doing some other exercises. Some of them I really know how to do ..only a few need to be explained.

"I never got to ask you ... Are you feeling better?" He asks and I frown my brows. "Oh .. Yeah. Yes ..fuck yeah. I totally forgot you were there." As soon as I stop I realize how bad it sounded.
"I mean not that you were there .. That you were there when I made a total crap out of myself... You know .." I ramble quickly and he nods giggling. Oh ..that sound! How comes I get so calm when I hear his giggle?

"Well I'm glad you're better now. At least you won't throw up this time." Before I can process what he said I feel he's hands cupping my head and his lips attaching to mine. He slowly leaves there a kiss and then looks at me. Fuck it. He's eyes are even more blue now. He bites his lip ring and looks at me.
"Sorry ... I just couldn't help myself." I just look at him confused as fuck not knowing what the hell did just happen.

As I stare at his facial features I find myself crashing my lips to his. God dammit, I feel little shocks between our lips and as mine part his tongue sneaks in my mouth making me the most confused girl on the planet. I don't know what's happening, but I like it so much I wish it will never stop.
My arms wrap around his neck as little moans my mouth escapes feeling the cold metal of his lip pierce.

I want to bite him, I need to feel him so bad like I never needed anyone in my life. His hand send me chills all over my skin, everywhere he touches it. My mind is all blown away by what's happening that I even forget where we are. "Jax wait.." I gasp for air and look in his icy blue eyes. I've never seen a more beautiful color in my entire life.
"What about your girlfriend?"


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