Centuries Of Immortals (Mashup) - Fall Out Boy*

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Panting surrounding him. The pound of running vibrating through his ears, feeling his feet pick up speed. A smirk decorated his face as his eyes zeroed in on the bow, his feet carrying him over to his prize. As soon as his fingers flexed over the curve of the wood, an arrow has aligned and shot in a nearby skull. 

Boom. BajanCanadian Has Scored First Blood.

Rapidly, arrows were sent in all directions, killing at least five more tributes. He wasn't done yet, he could sense someone behind him killing someone with an axe. He whipped around, coming face to face to a furrier face, fangs sticking out of a hidden top lip, which was curled over his teeth. He relaxed, smirking at the other who winked, kissing his cheek before running off. 

"Come and find me!" He yelled to the other tributes, mainly to his hybrid lover, spinning around with his arms wipe. An arrow slowly shoot next to  his head, the tribute who shot it already lying against a tree, an arrow through her skull as Mitch stood with his bow raised, glaring at her mischievously.

"Anyone else?!" He roared, laughing when birds flew away from the trees, "Guess not. Ready or not, here I come!" 

His legs carried him through the woods, collecting several apples as he ran. His fingers flexed over his bow, an arrow already ready in his other hand. The feeling of the sleek wood made him smile, the soft curve of his lips turning into a sinister smirk as he spotted two people fighting. He quickly turned, moving up the tree before quickly jumping from limb to limb. 


One of the fighters dropped, an arrow piercing his chest. He heard the other growl, laughing at the familiar noise.

"Sorry babe!" He yelled, sitting down onto a tree limb directly in front of his bacca. He quickly swung backward, his legs holding him upside down on the tree. Jerome cocked an eyebrow at him. 

"I'm quite tired of you. Why don't you fight me like a real tribute?" Mitch laughed, swinging back and forth slightly. Suddenly, he had an arrow aimed right past Jerome's head. 

"Let's save that for death match shall we?"


The tribute ready to pierce Jerome's middle dropped dead onto the ground.

"Saved your life." He smiled, motioning for Jerome to come closer. "I think I deserve a kiss." 

Jerome laughed, walking just close enough for their breath to mix, their noses brushing softly. Mitch closed his eyes, waiting for the feeling of their lips pressing together. The only thing that came was the snap of the branch behind him. When he opened his eyes Jerome was walking away, laughing softly to himself. 

"Let's save that for death match shall we?" 

Mitch growled, his eyes squinted up slightly, a smirk on his lips. He reached up, grabbing his branch with a hand before pushing his legs off of it, resulting with him landing on the ground. 

"Playing dirty are we?" 

He took off, making his way back to the cornucopia. He killed tributes he came across, hearing booms that didn't belong to him. Jerome was making his away through the tributes as well.

They were known as the Duo of The Hunger Games, ending games in the matter of minutes. They were known for their death matches, sometimes fighting till the death, sometimes letting the other kill them, or they killed themselves. No matter what they did, it was always entertaining watching the two spar, whether it be playful or not. 

"Death Match Will Commence In Twenty Seconds" 

Mitch cursed at the fact Jerome got last kill. That mattered to both of them, being able to say they got first and last kill. Of course, it was to tease the other with but it still helped their pride when they could gloat about it.

He slowed down his run to a stop, leaning against the tree. His breathing was heavy as he counted out the time in his head. 

"Death Match Will Commence In Ten Seconds" 

He sat up, rolling his shoulders. He curled his fingers around his bow, making sure his quiver was full. He also made sure he had an extra bow he picked up for Jerome in case he wanted a bow fight. 


He smirked once again, breathing a few more times.






He closed his eyes.



When he opened his eyes, Jerome was standing across from him. 

"Hi darling." He yelled across the arena, all the dead tributes lined up to watch them from the stands. "We've got quite the crowd, eh?" 

"Yeah, yeah, enough talk. Bow or axe?" Mitch laughed, meeting Jerome in the middle. 

"Axe." He held out his hand, feeling Jerome hand him a stone axe. He quickly discarded his bows and quiver of arrows before leaning over slightly, moving his cheek to face Jerome. 

"Can I have that kiss now?" He ducked quickly, hearing the axe hurtling towards his head. When he shot back up, Jerome was smirking at him, holding his axe in one hand, his claws out in the other.

"After I win." Mitch raised a brow, shaking his head before swinging at Jerome. 

It was beautiful the way they moved, which isn't something usually someone would describe two lovers trying to kill each other as. The way the moved in sync, blocking and pushing forward with their own weapons, was graceful and almost as if they were dancing. 

Which, they were in their minds. This was something they did on a regular basis. They knew every single move the other could do, every step, every perfectly timed breath that mixed with their swing. Mitch knew Jerome would step out with his right foot before swinging and launch backwards on the left when he blocked. Jerome knew Mitch would breath through his nose when he swung, inhaling through his mouth when he blocked.

Mitch's brow would furrow when their weapons clashed, he hated the sound of metal on metal, but he lived for the sound of wood on wood. Jerome's eyes closed when Mitch got too close, he didn't need sight for he could feel every move Mitch made. 

The crowd watched silently, making bets as who would win. The crowd was torn in half, some though Mitch would own Jerome while others thought Jerome dominates Mitch, which is true in all senses. 

It wasn't planned, Mitch stumbling slightly. Jerome saw his chance and swung, smiling as fireworks erupted. 

Boom. ASF Jerome Has Won The Death Match!

He closed his eyes, hearing the cheering and grumbling fade, as arms wrapped around his waist. When he opened his eyes both him and Mitch were outside the Hunger Games arena which seemed to be bursting with life. It was night time outside the game servers. 

"You won." Mitch whispered, rocking them back and forth. "Can I have my kiss now?" 

Jerome paused, turning to face Mitch, "Did you let me win for a kiss?" 

"Maybe." Mitch knew he didn't but what Jerome didn't know wouldn't hurt him. 

"Well that's too bad." Jerome sighed, kissing Mitch's lips quickly. "Cause I was gonna give you a prize if you won." 

"What type of prize?" The way Jerome smirked, raising a brow told him everything, "I demand a rematch." 

(School is awesome, home life sucks. Anyone else? -OB)

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