Don't You Worry Child - Swedish House Mafia*

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He didn't know what he was feeling really. He was sitting in his old house, staring at the walls. Both of his parents had passed away, and he felt lonely. He now owned this house, it was filled to the brim with memories. As he stared at the paint slapped on the wall, he noticed a picture of himself with his mom and dad when he was younger. 

He remembered when his mom would play music as she cleaned the kitchen, calling him in to dance with her. He could stand on her feet as she twirled, holding his hands and moving back and forth as if they were doing the tango. Sometimes she would lift him off her feet, holding him in the air before dropping him back down the floor only to grab his hand and twirl him around under her arm. 

When his dad came home from work he would find them dancing and join in, either playfully shaking his hips with his son or dancing slowly with his wife as their son danced around them, twirling and jumping to the music as he belted out the wrong song lyrics but neither parent could tell him otherwise. Those days were the ones he loved, he felt like he was on top of the world then.

But as he came down from the happy image he saw another photo hanging on the other side of the wall. He felt his eyes well up as he stared at it. It was his father and him standing across from the lake behind their house. They were standing on a hill hugging after his best friend moved away. He felt the memory of the moment spread through him, his eyes closing as he focused on it. 

The birds had stopped chirping for a while now. He didn't know how long he was standing there for but he knew he came out here when the sun was at it's peak and now it was fading to vibrant colors behind them. He heard the footsteps of someone behind him, but he didn't care. He just started down where the small hill met the lake which lapped up the side of the green, wetting the grass. He could smell the water, feel the wind move past him as it danced in the air. 

"Preston." His father whispered, placing at hand onto his shoulder. He could still feel the warmth if he really tried. He could hear the crickets awakening, the toads croaking in greeting. It all dulled if comparison to the feeling of having someone nearby, someone who really cared for him. "It's going to get cold soon, you should be heading inside." 

Preston shook his head, feeling tears fill his eyes as he closed them. His father slowly helped him up before shoving his young son into his chest, rubbing the back of his head and lower back. He kissed the short hair on top of it as his son cried into his chest, releasing all the emotions he felt.

Anger, remorse, self-pity. Sob after sob, his throat became raw and his eyes red and irritated. Sadness, loneliness, depression.

"I'm sorry son." His father had whispered to him, squeezing his own eyes shut as he felt tears form. "Don't worry, it'll work out." 

He had enough of the memory, standing to move out of the house. He could feel now, he could feel every emotion that ran through him that day and he hated it. He shouldn't have stayed after the realtor left, he should have just let as well. 

As he grabbed his keys from the counter, he saw it. The shoe box Preston once hid under his bed, filled with notes from a certain blonde. He couldn't help himself as he took off the lid, grabbing one of the envelopes. 

He smiled sadly when he dumped the contents onto the table, seeing hundred of photos they had taken with a Polaroid. The first one he grabbed had the caption, "First Date, Preston and Lachlan," the picture itself had Lachlan sitting on Preston's shoulders as the blonde tried to reach for a kite which was stuck in a tree. Even then, he could see the adoration in his own eyes as he stared at his boyfriend.

Preston set the photo down, grabbing another with the words, "First Kiss," under the actual photo. He laughed, seeing Lachlan pushed against him, his eyes wide in surprise as Lachlan seemed to be shoving himself at him, his eyes closed. 

He remembered his mother had taken the photo after Lachlan asked her to. He was too scared to kiss the blonde at the time but it was Christmas, and somehow Lachlan managed to get him under the mistletoe, taking the opportunity to kiss his boyfriend. 

Another photo showed him blushing as he sat in front of a birthday cake, Preston kissing his cheek lovingly, "Happy Birthday!" under it. He sighed, picking up the photos and putting them back into the box before grabbing it under his arm and walking out of the house, making sure to lock the door. 

When he made it to his car, his placed his box in the backseat carefully and made his way to the front seat. Once he was in the car, he quickly placed the key into the key hole and turned on the car, placing his head onto the steering wheel. He hiccuped slowly, tears running down his cheek. 

He shook his head, reaching to turn the radio on when he felt another hand wrap around his own. He quickly turned around to see his beautiful blonde staring at him with a sad smile. He almost let out a sob, regaining himself as he shook his head.

He shook his head again, closing his eyes. He wanted to believe he was there, he wanted to believe he wasn't alone but when he opened his eyes, Lachlan as gone. 

(I came up with this in history class four months ago <3)

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