Chapter 5: Sister? More like slave!

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Yeah I should be studying......But I'm not :) So I decided to upload another chapter its kind of just a fillerish kinda thing to let you know how stuff usually is :) My requests are that you Read Vote Comment and Turn the page :P

XOXOXXOGummy Bears


"Anything else Gina?" Louisianne panted.

"No I'm good." Her big sister waved her hand dismissively and Lou slunk over to where her best friend was seated.

"Hi Anastasia." she slipped into the seat beside her.

Anastasia was a small dark Indian girl with long, straight,shiny black hair always in a thick braid down her back. She wore he plaid skirts as long as to her knees and her socks covered what the skirt didn't.

The only reason both girls weren't considered losers was because Gina was Lou's sister. Which made her a Trojan.

Everyone in school called the Troy sisters the Trojans because they were like a small army that ran Winslet. Whatever they said, went. Even though what they said was usually what Gina told them to say.

Gina bossed people around. That was common knowledge, but the way she did it was in such a sweet and innocent way that people wouldn't consider it bossing around.She manipulated people in such a way they tricked themselves into thinking that what she told them to do was what they wanted to do. In their heart of hearts they would hate it, but no one would say anything, They wanted to believe that Gina did it by accident, that it was her talent to charm people. The truth was though, that she had practised to play people and pull at their strings like the puppet master she was. The only people who knew this were the Trojans and it was to stay that way.

"Why do you lat Regina push you around like that?" Anastasia inquired in her heavy Indian accent.

"What do you mean?She's my sister, I'm just helping her out." Louisianne said defensively.

"You look more like a servant girl to me. Back in India, the servant gils looked just like that." Anastasia nodded.

"Well go back to India why don't you!" Lou spat bitterly, even though she knew it was true.

B-E-T-R-A-Y-A-L Series- Book 1: 'B' is for BackstabberWhere stories live. Discover now