Chapter 1: Scare or Mirracle?

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Bonnie turns on his side to face his husband, Toby. Toby stared up at the ceiling, running his hand all over his stomach.

"Something feels different..." Toby sighs.

Bonnie props his upper body on his elbow, staring at Toby, "What do you mean?"

"I mean I feel like...I don't's just...I think I might be pregnant..."

"Pregnant? Oh no no no no no no NO" Bonnie sits up and shakes his head frantically, "We never even- ONCE okay only once! One time, Toby! You can't be-"

Toby looks up at Bonnie with solemn eyes. Bonnie glares at him.

"We'll talk about this tomorrow" Bonnie growls.

"Whatever, Bonnie, you've always been a jerk to me..." Toby turns on his side, back towards the other.

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