Chapter 3: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not, He Loves Us

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It's been seven months, moving has been hard for Toby. His stomach is pretty small for nine months being pregnant. Toby sits at the dining room table, Bonnie across him. Toby's due date is a week late. Bonnie fiddles with his cross necklace.

Bonnie's p.o.v.
I stare down at my necklace, praying that our child would be alright. We found out the gender a month ago, male. Name, Loui. I look up at Toby, he looks down.

"I'm bleeding" he says looking back at me. I quickly get up and dash out of the room and up stairs. I call for an ambulance. They arrive five minutes later.

I sit in the waiting room. A little girl walks up to me, she was short and looked so precious, I couldn't wait for my own child. I can't believe I'm going to be a father. She stares into my eyes, intrigued, I was born with ocular albinism and kids usually stared. The little girl looks behind her and into the eyes of another man's. She looks back into mine.

"Why are your eyes red?" She asks.

I lean back in the chair thinking of how to explain it to a child, especially one that was probably four, "Well, sometimes, when mommies have babies, something happens and the babies get special in how they look, with me my eyes are red like..." I think more of what to compare my eyes to, "Like a bunny"

"Am I special, too?" She askes holding her hands over her eyes.

"Oh yes, very. Everyone is special in some way. Some people are special in medicine and want to help people," sitting up straight I continue, "so they become doctors. What do you want to be when you grow up?"

She removes her hands, "I want to be a act-dress"

I chuckle at her words, "Well then, an actress, I bet your one of the most special people here. Very talented."

She smiles and looks to the right of me, "Did you hear that mommy?" I look at the person beside me.

The woman nods, and looks at me, "I'm sorry for the trouble"

"There was none at all," I smile and glance at the child, "I never realized how amazing children were"

"Are you expecting your own any time soon?" The woman asks, I look back at her.

"I am but, to be honest I don't know if I'll either walk out of here as a happy father or just a married man with a hole in his heart. What are you here for?"

Her facial expression seemed a little saddened she picks up her child before smiling again as the bundle of joy hugged her, "My husband and his friends were messing around and, one thing lead to the next and well..." she rolled her eyes before chuckling, "my husband got hit in the head with a chunk of ice."

I chuckle slightly, "sounds painful. I'm Bonnie by the way"

"I'm Cheyenne" she says then looks at her child, "and this is Abryanna"

"Those are both beautiful names-" I'm cut off as familiar laughter filled the room. I freeze slightly, looking to the entrance in stumbles in the oh so tipsy Mason holding hands with the drunken idiot Tyler.

"Great dumb and dumber" Cheyenne and I say in unison.

I turn to her, "you know them?"

"They're the reason I'm here" she glares at Tyler.

"I had a few years knowing them" I look back over at the two who have now spotted us and are stumbling their way towards me.

"Heeeyyyyy, bunny boy!" Mason says with a slight crack to voice, "where's the purple hair?"

I growl slightly, "why are you drunk? How old are you? 19? 20?"

"Twenty one, man" Mason smiles a retarded smile, looking like some sort of stoner, "come one, Bon, don't tell me you forgot my birthday, I haven't even seen you since your wedding" he pokes my cheek. I smack his hand away.

"There's a reason for that" I say smugly. Somebody else walks in, I remember her slightly, Carolyn, I dated her 9 years ago, didn't work. Abryanna slides down from Cheyenne's arms and walks to her. Tyler and Mason finally sit down, across from me.

"Hi monkey," Carolyn picks up Abre and kisses her cheek, "Wow, you're big now, baby" she says bouncing the small child in her arms as she sits by Cheyenne.

Toby's p.o.v.
I wake up, pain throbbing everywhere. The door opens, I look, Bonnie walks in.

"What happened, where's our child?" He asks coming to the bed.

"Your son is in the nicu" I look to see the doctor, "natal intensive care unit"

"Is he okay?" Bonnie asks.

The doctor tells him to follow

Bonnie's p.o.v.
I'm so scared. What is wrong with my son, is it life threatening? Will he grow up normally? We go another room, I look in the glass, I see him, that's my boy. He was so tiny, and frail. I wanted to take him home already. That was my son, God gave us a pure miracle. I'll wait, until it's safe. I go back to Toby and tell him what I could tell.

Two weeks later

Bonnie held his son close and gently, staring down at him, looking at his mismatched eyes, one red and the other such a pale green almost yellow. His red hair. Bonnie and Toby loved him. Their son. He was perfect. Almost.

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