Chapter Five

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Destiny? 'What did that word even mean?' Bloom thought silently.

While, pouting and kicking the nearby stick; while she traveled down the uneven path back to the camp.

She could hear Arian and Lux behind her- watching her- analyzing how she reacted. Why did she always get the important responsibility to save a freaking dimension? First the Magic dimension- and now Dalios.

She sighed- her bright blue eyes noticing the kids and citizens of the camp.

Arian laid his palm out flat on her shoulder- guiding her to the last tent on the right. Flipping the tarp back- Bloom entered a dim-lit tent. A cot- and blankets on the floor was what Bloom saw. So much for luxury- thinking back to her dorm room at Alfea- even her own room back in Gardenia.

For the first time- Bloom felt bad. For the simple things that she took for granted everyday just to see that these people didn't really have anything but the bare minimum to survive on.

Bloom sat down on the cot- rubbing sleep out of them- it had been a couple hours since she arrived on Dalios. A lot has happened- and it drained her. "I'll come back later- sometimes what the old man says takes a toll on the person on the receiving end of his visions."

Bloom looked up to meet Arian's hazel ones- "Don't worry Bloom- I think if you just have time to think only for a little bit- it could make a huge difference." Bloom nodded- and Arian smiled an encouraging smile before he exited the tent.

Leaving her alone with her thoughts.


Bloom opened her eyes- her vision blurry from hours of sleep.

She didn't really notice that she started to doze off- until her head went blank with a sleepless dream.

There was no way of telling just how much time had passed, it seemed like this dimension had no record of time.

She sat up- pulling her hair back, silently thanking herself that she still had a hair-tie around her wrist. Looking down at her outfit- her cheeks blushed a deep red- just noticing that she still had her night time wear on.

Her head whipped to the sides of the tent- praying to whatever god- for a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Her eyes stopped- and at a little table near the cot that she laid on was a set of clothes that were neatly folded out for her. Wondering if Arian had stopped in the tent and prepared some clothes for her. She instantly grabbed them- taking off her pajamas- and putting on new clothes, hurriedly.

While her mind- drifted off..., again.

Moments passed..., her legs had carried her of the tent and back into the wilderness.

She knew that she should have waited for Arian, or Lux. Without having the ability to transform into her Enchantix form she was at a major disability if the black fog returned again.

Dalios was ruled by the Darkness- the only way she could go back home was to receive her Darix form- only from doing something free of heart would she receive a power that was supposedly descended from the gods.

She didn't know what she was going to do; her eyes glanced upward towards the nighttime sky- apparently, Dalios didn't have any sunlight. 'How could the people of Dalios even survive without sunlight?' she thought- while walking deeper into the wilderness.

She needed to explore the dimension- she needed to know every crook and cranny her mind rationalized as she admitted loosely to herself that she was indeed, lost. Wishing she had Techna beside her to calculate a safe return, Bloom stumbled over sticks and vines that grew underneath the many trees that scattered the land.

She laughed at the thought of Stella walking into the 'monstrosity' that was the wilderness- her thoughts going back to her first year at Alfea. In Paladin's class that they had to go through the wilderness to become one with nature.

Her head had become hazy- swearing that she was going mad with voices leaking in and out of her head- the picture of her and Arian's first meeting, "If you're not careful, and keep your emotions in than darkness can over flood your senses." Her eyes widened- for she could barely see anything anymore- the couple hours of rest she had gotten helped- but her eyes were shortly becoming strained just from will power alone- to advance and find the camp again.

A snap from her right alerted her- snapping her blue eyes to the sound.

Her legs walking at first- until she heard a number of snaps coming towards her. Her legs then started a light jog- transforming into a full out run.

She only stopped- when she heard a body fall over and a girlish "oomph" from behind her.

Her head turned- as she walked slowly back towards the fallen body. Her eyes squinted with the lack of lighting in this dimension that she almost walked over the body. Her heart almost had a heart attack when her eyes saw that it was Lux. Her knees bended, until she squatted low to the ground.

"What are you doing out here?" Bloom questioned..., Lux started to get up but found out that she had sprained her ankle from running.

Bloom sighed, as she made an action for Lux to climb up her back. Lux moved slowly until her arms clasped around Bloom's neck- lifting Lux's small form up Bloom started back towards the camp.

Moments passed- and Lux spoke up, "I was following you, because I was worried." She mumbled- her voice was light and airy, however, her voice had a sense of worry for the last word she could barely hear if it wasn't for Lux getting a ride from her back.

"There's no need to worry about me Lux. I'm fine." Bloom expressed- hoping that Lux wouldn't think much about it.

Of course, she was wrong "Bloom- I know that you're not fine. I know I'm small, but that still doesn't mean I can't read people. Listen, I've heard all the legends of Darix. Stories have been passed down- Darix is achievable. You just have to believe in yourself."

"Thanks for the advice Lux." Lux smiled- as she yawned in tiredness.

"Does the sun ever shine in this dimension?" Bloom asked a tired Lux- Lux only wrinkled her brows.

"What is a sun?" Lux questioned.

"It's a big light that lights up the sky- instead of black the sky is a light blue." Bloom explained.

"That sounds pretty." Lux dreamily expressed.

Bloom was about to reply- when a voice crept into her head.

Bloom. Bloom... 'Don't listen' her thoughts shouted at her.

Her grip tightened on Lux- her legs mustering all of her remaining energy to get Lux out of the line of danger.

Fog crept from the hidden spots in the ground- covering the way with a thick blanket of white. She tripped along a branch- sending Lux forward.

Bloom could hear her scream- Bloom sprouted up running to her.

A vine wrapped around Lux's small wrists dangling her in the night air.

Bloom give in- you can't save her. The voice said within her mind.

She jumped up trying to reach for Lux's leg- but the nearby vine only slapped her body away. Her body met the cold ground, rolling over many sticks and logs of wood. Her eyes opened- while her body trembled- she lifted her arm up.

Lux was before her- eyeing the vine-like branch that was getting ready to attack Lux from behind.

'She needed to save Lux.' her mind rationalized.

Ignoring the pain in her body- willing her body to stop the useless trembling. Since, nothing ever good came out of trembling. Instead of moving to Lux- her body went for the vine-like branch that was going to pierce Lux from behind if she didn't stop it. Using all her remaining power in her muscles- and legs she leaped off the ground- for when she did.

The vine snapped and leapt to impale Lux- Lux screamed, but before the vine-like wood could impale her- a ripping sound sounded from behind Lux.

Her eyes leaking salted tears at the sight of Bloom taking her place.

"NO!"As a sharp light ignited- Bloom's body was ignited in a rich light- blinding anyone who saw.

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