"Whatever"-Ally's P.O.V

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"Wake up!" I faintly heard Caleb yelled as I opened my eyes. Everything was blurry. I could hardly make out Caleb's figure.

The headache then came roaring back and it was so hard to stay conscious. I don't know what exactly the Queen did when she touched my head but it felt like my own body was eating me from inside out.

I took a deep breath and tried to focus. Caleb was just looking at me. "The answer is still no," I mustered in a voice that I didn't recognize. What's happening to me!!!

Caleb laughed. "I think you are going to change your decision once you look at the mirror."

Caleb lifted an oval shaped mirror off the desk and lifted it up so that I could see my reflection. My heart sank.

My flesh was rotting. It was this ugly tinted shade of gray. I lifted my hands just to see if it was real but then noticed that my hands as well were rotting.

I frantically looked at myself. My legs, arm everything had taken the rotting color. I looked back at the mirror. The only thing left not effected were the color of my eyes.

"What did she do to me.." I whispered to myself but Caleb heard.

"Think about it Ally...rotting flesh? That's a dead giveaway."

I didn't want to believe it. "A zombie?" I asked questioningly. 

Caleb clapped. "One for Ally. Yes she is but its not quite complete yet. If you agree to help her she will reverse it."

No this can't be possible. A zombie!How is she even able to do that? Then it hit me.

She had the mark of all the elements. Is that how? If so how does she even control all of them?

"Time is ticking Ally. This is the final time we are going to ask."

I looked at Caleb and then at the mirror, which he was still holding. It's been two years. No one has found me yet and who knows if they have even been looking for me.

This is my chance to get out of here. If I don't well. I looked at myself. I will turn into god knows what.

I took a deep breathe in.

"I'll do whatever she ask."


A/N:Hi guys!Thank you for reading thus far!I also have a favor to ask you guys!My friend has recently posted a story on watt pad called Capable of Love. Its a fan fic of the anime Attack On Titans but even if you haven't watched the anime(like me) its still a good book so if you guys have time check it out!I have attached the link below.


Thanks again!

GaiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora