Have you counted the costs?

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Have you counted the cost of following Christ with everything you have? Have you decided that following Christ completely surrendering to him is worth all that you will have to sacrifice?
Look. Being a christian means that you will have to sacrifice things in your life that are holding you back from being fully devoted to Christ.
Your jobs, what school you attend, what friends you have all are from God and he has you at that job for a reason, he put you at that school for a reason, he has those specific friends in your life for a reason. The reason is for you to share the gospel. To spread the word. Its the great commission. Its your choice to decide if its worth it. You will have to give up practically all worldly things. You have to decide if its worth it. Is it worth it to be in the world but not of the world? For me its completely worth it? For me its no question on wether or not its worth it because for me growing up in a christian household its always been known to me that it will always be worth it because He died for us and theres nothing we can do to make it up to him. So, is it worth it? Is it worth it for you to surrender your life completely to Christ? Will you count the costs?

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