Chapter 1

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My name is Jenny Sims, im 16,I live in LA ive been in this stupid orphanage scince I was 5. My parents died in a car accident when I was young none of my aunts or uncle's could take care of me so I ended up here ive been depressed science I was 10 I cut a few times people at the orphanage bullied me except for my one and only friend. Which she got adopted a few days ago. Ive been depressed since she left my only escape is music and videos by My Digital Escape on youtube.

Today is another adoption day so I go get ready.
I wear my Pierce the veil beanie, Black veil brides pull over, All time low shirt, black vans, and my ripped black skiny jeans,
im just glad they let me buy band merch when my aunts and uncle bring me money.
My hair in naturally straight so I just brush it a little I head down stairs and get in line and take a seat, when I heard the door open I looked over and it was the one and only Pierce the veil I was freaking out a little but stayed calm the other girls didn't know who they are. When it is my turn I walk up and great them.
"Good morning Vic, Mike, Tony, Jaime"
"How do you know our names?" asked Jaime
"Dude look at her beanie" said Mike
"Duhh" Jaime exclaimed
"So what's your name tell us a little about yourself" asked Vic
"Well my name is Jenny im 16, I like Ptv, Atl, Bvb, Sws, Green Day, NSN, Metallica, Nirvana the list is longer but these are my top ones, i like watching My Digital Escape on youtube, my parents died when I was 5 in a car accident and they put me in this hail whole" I said that last part in a lower voice
"Well don't worry we will get you out" said Tony
"Really which one is gonna adopt me" I said witha a huge smile accross my face
"I will but we all live together so we will all be there for you" Said vic
"Go get your stuff we will tell the lady we picked you" Said Mike
"Thank you so much" I said while hugging each of them and giving them a kiss on the cheek
Im packing all of my stuff wich dosent take long because I only have 5 pairs of jeans, like 7 shirts, 2 pairs of shoes, but I do own about 10 bracelets that cover the scars on my wrist.

"Please sign here" the lady tells me
"Ok your all set" "Thank you" I reply I see Jenny come down witha a small bag "Do you have more" I ask
"No why" "ok then we'll take you shopping when we get home" says Jaime

Ok thanks" Jenny said

As we walk out I could see Jenny with a big smile accross her face
"Shotgun" scram tony "no" mike said running to the car
"Do they always do this" asked Jenny to me and Vic
I get in the back with Jenny and Mike while Vic and Tony where in the front

"Where here" said vic when we all got out I saw this big house with maybe 6 rooms and restrooms "wow" I said with my mouth open the guys laugh at me "Come on" they all say walking up stairs "This will be your room" Mike said I walked in and cried happy tears I hug them all and tell them how much I appreciate it. Your welcome they all said in sync.

Things won't turn out so bad after all (ft. PTV, Part of MDE)Where stories live. Discover now