chapter 4

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AWW I said silently pointing at Jenny and Johnnie
I texted the guys and include Bryan
V-our little girl is growing up
B- yes how cute
M- if he hurts her I will hurt his face
B- johnnie is harmless he doesn't eat meat if anything in the passed he was the one getting hurt
T-I like him xD
V-shut up Turtle
We all burst into laughter

"So what's it like living with them"
"Cool they love me I love them like my parents"
"How old are you " "16 what about you"
" 17 wanna come to the youtubers tent with us we have a meet up at 2:00"
"Sure I have to ask them though"
..........done with interview
"That was a fun interview" "well we have to get going do you wanna come Jenny were having a meet up" Johnnie asked
"I don't know can I?" She asked looking at her dads
"Sure go ahead and you guys should come backstage for our performance"said vic
"Thanks dad and we will" Jenny responded

"Where gonna go get Jordan and Damon"
"Ok" Jenny responded
"Hold up let me text them"
Jo- hey you guys ready
Jo-ok dont embarrass me this girl is with us rn and I really like her
D-r u cheating on me ima go full out will you hold my hoops
Jo- dude seriously
D-ok I was just messing your true with this girl cause your never serious
Jo- yes I like her so just dont scare her
D-ok see u in a bit

I pull out my phone and go on snapchat and just talk untill Johnnie and Jenny go in the photo frame and mess with me
"Stop im trying to be serious"
"When are any of you guys serious" Jenny said and starst laughing
" True" I reply and we all start being retarded on snapchat

Some one nocks on the door and we see Bryan, Johnnie, and the girl we introduced our selfs and right when we get out the bus me and Jordan start being wierd "carry me Jordan" I say and jump on him "get off" Jordan said "But why Jorgan but why" I whined

The first thing I ask them not to do they do wow how surprising
But when Jenny saw Damon jump on Jordans back she asked me if she could do that
"Go ahead"
"Ok hold on"
We walked till we reached the warped youtubers tent
"Jenny you can hang with the merch girl or take pictures for the fans"
"Ill take pictures for you guys" "Allright thanks"
When we finish with the meet up we go to catering and get lunch

"Lets go to my dads merch tent" "sure" Johnnie says
"Bryan im sure you will like the merch girl"" ohh are you trying to set me up" bryan asked "maybe" I laugh "why me why dont you two go on a date" Bryan said I blush and so does Johnnie "we just met" "well you have all of warped to get to know each other good so I bet you will be together by the end of warped" Bryan said "why don't you keep your big mouth closed and listen to Jenny your older than all of us and your a single Pringle" we all busted into laughter while Bryan had a sad look on his face
"Ahh is poor baby Bryan gonna cry" I said and they all laughed Jordan and Damon gave me a hug and said "can we keep her"

Things won't turn out so bad after all (ft. PTV, Part of MDE)Where stories live. Discover now