chapter 5

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"Sure but you have to ask her dad's"
"Dad's?" Damon asked
"Yeah she got adopted a few days ago and she calls the four of them her dad"
"We're are your dads?" Jordan asked
"There gonna preform later on tonight" Jenny said approaching the Pierce the veil merch tent
"Wait im just gonna take a hint because you brought us to the PTV tent but are your dads PTV" Damon asked Jenny
"Yes and they said if you guys wanted yo come later on to the back of the stage" Jenny said

"This is Sally" Jenny said
Sally is pretty
"Hi im Bryan we didn't officially meet this morning at catering"
"Hi nice to officially meet you" she said while shaking our hands for about a minute
"Okay you two stop, and Bryan just ask her out" said Johnnie "shut up, why don't you ask Jenny out" I said while I hit the back of his head

"HAHA So when are you gonna start packing up?" I asked sally
"Soon most likely around 7:30 because your dads start playing at 8:00" she responded
"Allright ima go wander around do you guys wanna come"i asked
"I'll come" responded Johnnie, Damon, and Jordan
"Are you coming" asked Johnnie
"No ill stay here ill help her out and well meet you guys when ptv plays" Bryan said
"Ok see you later have fun" I said smirking at Sally

"There so cute together" Jenny said
"Haha yeah" Damon said
"So who do you wanna go watch ladies choice" I told Jenny
"Ohh lets go watch Nsn then we can watch black veil brides from my dads stage" Jenny said so happy
"Nsn yeah lets go"i said when Damon asked "science when are you a gentleman" "scince I met Jenny shes awsome" I said "Duhh" Jenny said while laughing
Every body was laughing and I was just walking I was blushing

"I am going to text johnnie something" I quietly tell Damon
JS-Dude just ask her out
JG- what if she says no
JS- she won't say no she likes you 2
JG- how do you know that
JD-the way she looks at you just do it
JG-alright ill ask her after the concert
JD-you better or we will cut a piece of ur hair 2 night

"Yeah they did I want Christopher to have my babies" Damon shouted when we were walking away
"My favorite one they sang was the seven nation army cover" Johnnie said punching his fist in the air
I giggle a bit
"Your to cute" Johnnie said blushing which made me blush
"OHH my god were surrounded by blushing potatoes lets go Jordan" Damon told Jordan
"Have fun you two love birds well see you at the Pierce the veil set up" Jordan said smirking
"Shut up and ok " Johnnie said punching Jordans arm
"Ouch that hurt for a scronny boy" Jordan laughed walking away
"Fucking duchebaggs"
I giggle again and he tells me "you're so cute"
"Stop it your making me blush" "no you're cute when you blush"
"Shut up lets go sit for a while"
"Allright cutie"
"Shut up" I say take his hand and walk faster to some benches

After a while .....
"We should get going so we could see Black Veil brides preform"
"Ok cutie"
"Are you gonna stop"
"Nope" Johnnie said popping the P

Things won't turn out so bad after all (ft. PTV, Part of MDE)Where stories live. Discover now