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~While this isn't my first attempt at writing this is my first attempt at sharing my writing with the world. Constructive criticisms are welcome but not all advice will be taken. Ill continue to post even if the story doesnt get popular right away let me know what you think~

As the storm thundered on outside my orphanage, I worked my way around the three baby cribs only one was occupied by a squalling child who was usually quiet must be the storm because the little ones upstairs were awake as well. I could hear there little feet bounding across the floor they were trying to be quiet but they were failing miserably. I would go up and tell them a thing or two in a minute after I got the baby to calm down. As I rocked the unhappy child and cooed nothings at him lightning illuminated a figure standing just outside the door window. I jerked backward, yelping in surprise clutching the baby. Then came a soft knock and then lightening lit the door way again and the figure was gone. I set the squirming child down and made my way cautiously to the door. Grabbing a fone on the way I dialled 911 ready to push call if anything should happen. I turned on the front light and peered through the front window glass not seeing anyone I began to turn away. If I had turned any faster I would have missed it, and who knows what I would've woken to in the morning. But I hadnt missed it, opening the door quickly I peered into the basket that upon closer inspection seemed to be weaved of sticks and twigs. I lifted it knowing what would be inside and wondering if the parents really couldn't afford to get a normal baby carrier for the little bundle inside. I placed the bundle inside one of the vacant cribs and begand unwrapping the thick woven blankets around the calm little baby. Its hazel eyes stared up at me in a way that was entirely unnerving and to intelligent for a baby. I shook off the feeling probably just spooked from the figure from before. The little child had pale alabaster skin and hair so black that it was almost blue. The hair was brushed down and child looked clean, the diaper it wore also clean and fresh looking. I smiled sadly at the baby cooing at it,
'We'll get you a nice home little baby.' The baby of course made no reaction that it had heard what I had said, just continued to stare calmly at me.
It suddnely gave a stretch and a tiny yawn and its eyes vanished behind tiny lids. I set it gently in its crib and glanced torward the other crib at the other baby he lay still and quiet now sound asleep. I hummed to myself at the two sleeping babys a beautiful picture they made. I reached for the new babys blankets intending to fold it and place it on the night stand. As i shook it out something small and metal fell out and clinked onto the ground. I reached for it, a necklace it seemed a nametag with a chain much to large for a baby. The tag read Zasha. How strange but the parents could give there child life surely they could give the child any name they pleased. I placed the childs blanket inside the basket with the name tag on top and set it all underneath the childs crib. They were for now he only belongings. I gave the babies one last glance before turning on the baby monitor and off the lights.
As most orphanages run so does mine. Over the years children were in and out and interviewed and fostered but never Zasha she was strange and people noticed. Couples wanted happy children and Zasha didn't exude any kind of bubblyness she was quiet and withdrawn a child that was to independent and stoic didn't seem quite a child at all. She was incredibly intelligent and was reading on her own at 5 and speaking complete sentences. She asked a lot of questions and when I could not answer she googled them on our sole computer. When she was of age I enrolled her in public school which ended badly she was far to smart for the material and quickly turned violent towards the other students, Zasha didn't have the patience for them. She made amazing grades but had very poor character marks. After having to pick her up from school early yet again due to her smacking of another child I withdrew her from the school and started her homeschooling. She excelled easily through the online courses and at the age of 14 she was graduated from her online highschool. When I asked her about her plans for college she remarked that she had no need of it. I never asked again. No one asked about her when parents came in to see the children they seemed to not notice her. If they did her brooding atmosphere and stormy expression seemed to dissuade them from coming any closer. Her long blue-black hair hid her startling eyes most of the time. The hazel they were when she was a baby was being encroached from the inside out with a burning red color. It did not go unnoticed, but few were brave enough to say anything about it. Zasha tended to spend more time at the library then any where else. I assumed she also excersised during her disappearances, because as her child like stage passed and her journey of adolescence began she grew willowy and muscled and beautiful in an extremely intimidating way. She spoke to me daily imparting little things she'd learned and not much else. I wondered about the strange girl but I was a busy woman the orphanage does not run itself so I let her do as she pleased so long as it did not disrupt or cause her to be in any trouble. For a while there was peace.
Zasha was staring her 17th year of life down. I knew better than to create great fan fair over her 'birthday' knowing she preferred me to let the day she arrived at the door pass by with no mention. But this would be her last year here and I had to tell her a few things.
That night when she arrived to tell me her little tid bit I cut her off speaking first.
"Zasha I know I dont need to tell you what today is I just can't help but wonder what your plans are child. I've watched you grow into a strong incredibly smart woman and I know that you have a bright future ahead of you. I'd like to know for my own peace of mind what that may be." I was careful to state the words and not ask her a question, because it was not optional she was going to tell me what she had planned. She looked at me blankly a moment before sitting beside me on the small couch.
"Eli," she said in her melodic voice ," you have been so good to me. I will never forget the kindness in your heart and when the time comes I will repay you for it. I however no longer wish to remain here. I have been working at a kick boxing studio in LA and I'm moving into an apartment nearer to it tomorrow. If you ever wish to reach me here is my number," she handed me a slip of paper and I felt a little bereft almost as if she had planned this conversation with me when I had thought it was the other way around ,"if that is all you wanted to know I'll go and pack my things now?"
I took her thin pale hands in mine and looked her in her eyes as he expression grew a little solemn as a tear slowly slid down my cheek. I didn't need to say anything she knew that her leaving was painful for me.
"One second let me grab you something before you go." I went into the nursery and picked up her basket still holding the only possessions she had arrived with. When I arrived back she was standing with two bags at her side. I was used to her getting things done with unnatural speed I hmmed to myself glancing over the bags she had planned this before me.
"This is what you arrived here in." I said as I placed the basket in her arms "So tiny and calm like a doll." Zasha set the basket down and I watched her run her finger across the weaved structure of the basket before reaching inside and reading the small necklace. I watched her face a she put it on and once more reached inside the basket picking up the blanket. A hint of fascination with it sparked across her face before she glared at it and placed it rather firmly back inside the basket she stared at it a moment longer before her face returned to its solemn look. "Thank you Eli." I wanted to hug her but knew she wouldn't take to my physical display of affection. "Goodbye child." I choked out turning away as I heard a car honking outside realizing she had called a cab to. I heard her shuffle towards the door and struggled to keep my self composed despite the lack of communication I had grown quite attached to the orphan girl who had remained with me longer then any child before. I know she meant for me to call only if I needed to but I knew I would call before the week was out to worry over her living conditions. Zasha was different and I didn't know what would become of her.

Fae series book 1: WarriorsWhere stories live. Discover now