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Here's this :) Dedicated to ladieslovetramps thank you!!


It seemed as though I closed my eyes just seconds ago and now my eyes are wide open. I hadn't dreamed I had simply awoken from blackness. The dreams if nothing else were consistent. But tonight there was no dream just a compulsion to be awake. I had learned to always listen to my bodies callings because often it knew more than me.

I sat awake in bed the clock read 12:07. Swiftly I rose from bed something calling me to the balcony that was where I needed to be. My heart sped up. Something like impending doom surged through my veins and slammed into my heart. But I wasn't afraid not really fear was not something I related to but understood of people.

I made it out to the balcony leaving the door open. I heard muffledly a click and feet sliding cautiously along with a strange humming. I ducked down out of sight of anyone in the room. My thoughts raced momentarily. This person was far to still to be a burgalar . Even if they were they'd find nothing of value in my studio. I breathed in a breath steadily and rose silently.

And looked directly in large glowing amber brown eyes. Before those eyes blinked and raced forward at me. I didn't think just reacted I struck out kicking down the figure in the door way I advanced as it fell.

'Oof.' Said a tiny squeaky almost grating voice 'Zasha you stop that this instant!'

I didn't listen I stood over the figure, quickly flipping on a light and I was taken aback by what I saw. She was tiny and thin. Pale almost as pale as me. And her hair was dark like mine and spiked all over her head in a messy but controlled style she wore a a long black shirt and leggings displaying her slender limbs. All of this out shone by the wings that were just beneath her seemingly sprouted from her back longer and taller than her. The same color as her glowing eyes, which squinted angrily up at me.


I lay on my back my wings squashed underneath me and that stupid bitch looking down at me. She didn't look surprised at all she almost looked unimpressed. Well whatever im not here to impress her im here to do my job.

'Get off me you cow!' I squirmed out from underneath her and stretched out my crumpled wings. Damn it that hurt I swear if she broke anything, Moon help her. I fluttered them experimentally as she stared deeply at me. Even being what she is growing up in the Peoples World should make her wary of me.

'What are you?' Her question came out like a demand. I looked at her incredulously.

'I am pissed off is what I am. I've come here to help you and your just attacking anything that moves? What in the Peoples World is wrong you? I can't hardly believe the nerve of you. Have you no manners or are you just plan daft?' I whisper yelled looking at her sternly until she tilted her head downward hiding behind her hair. Hmmph serves her right.

'I am a Pixie of the Thaus family and I am here to tell you what you are and deliver you home. From there I would stay with you as is my oath to your family.' I stated feeling a little calmer.

Her body tensed and untensed as she watched me. Reminding me of the urgency of the situation.

'But before I can do any of that we must go and help your friend,'
She looked at me silently.

'Look Zasha you are not human your not like People. You know it but now is not the time to discuss it I will fill you in on the way.' She continued to stare unmoving.

'Ugh damnit woman your Person Nash is going to die if you don't move your stubborn ass!' She lurched forward and I fluttered above her.

'Are you threatening him?' Her voice came out low and dangerous and I knew I had to be much more careful with my temper but being a Pixie made that difficult.

Fae series book 1: WarriorsWhere stories live. Discover now