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The next installment for you Gigi ahah enjoy
The giant brute stood before her, arms bulging with muscles and veins full of blue and black blood. His eyes were empty of intelligence and Zasha could tell that he wasn't even close too her skill level.

He was dressed in chain mail and armor, no helment bad idea. She didn't bother glancing around at the battle she knew insued around her she knew she would only be distrated by the death. He stood with his large axe tight in his double handed grasp glaring down at her. He had no chance. She stepped in closer to him even as he tried to back up for room to swing his axe she was to close it was to late for him the heel of her hand slammed into his nose feeling the bones crunching and breaking deeper into his skull then they were ever meant to be. The brute gurgled out a cry as he dropped his weapon and his nose and mouth spilled over with blood. Clutching his nose he fell before her. She smirked easy to damned easy.

Zasha pulled her blade from her back and swung it easily through the air just for the feel, the thrill before the kill. She stuttered in her step as the brute rose his bleeding face to look at her blearly something told her not to kill him. She didnt see why not as she stepped forward prepared to finish what she had started. She drove the blade forward through the mans neck effectively ending his life. The dark polluted blood spilled to the ground as his body slumped and something screamed inside her. Zasha rose her blade looking at her reflection on the metallic and now bloody blade her own eyes black and devoid of any iris stared back.
Zasha awoke from the dream heart slamming away in her chest and exhileration so high she could taste it on her tongue. She sighed and rolled over. No matter how many times she had the dream it never failed to put her adrenalin in to over drive. She lay in bed panting and sweating looking to her alarm clock she took note of the time.

5 am

Knowing she would be incapable of falling back into any kind of slumber as usual Zasha rose before the sun and began getting ready for the day. As she showered she analyzed her dream comparing it to the others and noting the differences. The end was always the same although she would fight different opponents each time. Each with a different approach on killing her.

Sometimes she would be in a darkened room or an arena full of people or a battfield like the last dream. She would prepare to finish them feeling for second like she shouldn't then go ahead and do it anyway because she wanted to, she always felt the vicious need to be the victor and to do so her opponent had to die. Resulting in her catching a glance of her horrifyingly black eyes on some armor, or a weapon, a puddle of water depending on her setting. She sighed shutting off the water and went through the motions of preparing herself for her day at work.
'One, two.'
She paced the room, more like prowled it. Her moves were graceful snake-like she was truly intimidating.
The athletes in front of her struck out in tandem with her counting, fists slamming into padded gloves of there counter parts and going back into a relaxed fighting position.
I enjoyed watching her work with the adults. She was strong and outrageously fast, limber and unpredictable she was an amazing fighter. Above that she was damn fine.

My thoughts spun around my slightly mysterious employee. She had begun as a student at the gym a few years ago, back then I had noticed that when she fought it was with more rage and frustration. This wasn't unusual. Lots of new people came in angry and somehow sorted out there anger through the violence and left my gym. Others lasted until they were a crying heap in front of the punching bags those were not as common but still weren't surprising. There was nothing common about this woman she fought like she could see nothing other then the fight. Focus so complete it was frightening. Zasha's anger never fully dissipated it seemed more as though it had been morphed into this supreme focus.

She often ended up facing off with me or a punching bag most of the time because the intensity of her odd eyes made the fighters uncomfortable. I thought she was a perfect student but I would never tell her that so I just offered her a job instead. Ever sense then I've been training with her and the adults of our intermediate class. I could see her frustration at them as she corrected a stance or suggested improvements, well demanded them. Zasha wasn't good at being encouraging or supportive of effort she simply instructed or corrected. I made sure to be in the room always to round out her stony energy with my own positivity. Also because I loved watching her work them. Zasha was beautiful but she was also kind of a bitch.

'No, do it again. You can't leave your guard completely down in between moves. I could take you down in that moment you relax, you are fighting for your life every time you fight don't ever take a break in defending oneself. Now do it again.'

She spoke forcefully to a pairing of women they nodded silently and got back in there stances under her watchful eyes and began to produce the maneuvers to the best of their ability. She was a bitch but she got it done. When they began to go back and repeat the moves she simply turned away to walk the room again. I made my way to the pairing.

'Much better ladies looking good.' I said winking and looking over them lasciviously. They beamed at me as I grinned back and left them to it again. I was a handsome devil I knew that, the ladies that came in knew it to. I would never sleep with a client but I know quite a few of the women have started rumours that I have its quite alright with me. I'm 6' even, muscled and tatted the ladies loved the bad boy flare and I loved the ladies.

A half hour later and the class was dismissed. I turned to Zasha,
'I know you mean well Z but you gotta work on your people skills.' She looked at me for a second then tilted her head downward trying to hide her face. The effect was ruined because her unusally long hair was in a bun and couldn't hide her. Although we had been working together for some time she had yet to engage me in conversation and and she had yet to open up about how she had even ended up here as a student a few years ago a kid then really. But she listens when I speak at least I think she does.

When she had first begun working with me, directly after our practices and classes she would immediately disappear. The one time she lingered to ask about being moved to teaching a higher level class is when I finally got the chance to rope her into a conversation that was mostly I'll admit, me talking to a silently staring Zasha. But after that she would linger longer and speak a word or two. I wouldn't call us friends but I'm the closest thing she had to one I think.

I stepped forward into her space , 'Hey if you need help just ask Z you know I'll help when I can.' She flinched slightly at the word help and I knew I had made a misstep in my words.
'Thank you,' she said backing away 'I will see you tomorrow.' She turned and was gone before I could return the nicety. I shook my head running my hands through my hair. She was so strange and so beautiful.

Although the fighters were scared of her they listened to what she said her prowess was undeniable and her ability to learn knew moves was astounding. I was almost out of things to teach her myself.

I have been fighting my whole life from karate as a kid to jujitsu as a teen and now kick boxing I wasn't a master of all three but I was pretty damned good. My family was wealthy and they could afford to send there beautiful son to fighting classes and the best schools but they couldn't afford to spend time with there child nanny's were a norm for me. I want to say I was angry with them but honestly my child hood was pretty good even without there total involvement.

I began packing up my equipment in preparation for the night shift my mind on long hair and pale thighs. I had to get laid. I said goodbye to my night employees and headed home to change into something more flattering. Although I rocked the tank top and shorts because yeah my body is amazing, I wouldn't hit Club9ine like this. The girls there were suckers for looks and cash of which I have both. I had to play up my assets to make sure I got a sweet thing in my bed tonight. A girl that would keep my mind off Z.

Fae series book 1: WarriorsWhere stories live. Discover now