Truth- Part 2

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Here we go
Its been a long time I shouldn't have left you... With out a dope beat to step to :D

Really though so sorry about the wait  I dropped off for a while to consider where I'm really going with the story and to work on my life a bit thanks for your patience.



I had heard enough. Un-dead bears and baby death? Real Fairy or Pixie or whatever it didn't matter Nash is out cold and shes prattling on about Warriors and The Moon at an ungodly hour.

"I'm sorry but I'm just fine where I am. I don't need to know the history of your people or find out who I am, I know who I am. I just want to go to my apartment will you just do that? Can you just take Nash and I down and leave me alone?" My voice had escalated and I was almost shocked to find myself feeling my chest felt hot like my heart was tugging out of it and my face I knew was flushed. 

I didn't take time to think over my sudden emotion as I glared at her faintly glowing form. Her face closed into a hurt expression as her hand flew to her mouth muffling a gasp. I continued watching her, this night is over.



I almost couldn't believe her reaction. But I quickly rationalized as I gazed into her hard eyes, she has lived among The People her whole life she didn't know any better. She didn't know the devastation that occurred. She didn't know anything. 

My determination slammed into over drive as I took her hand.

"I will try not to be angry with you for being ignorant of reality because it is not your fault but you will see reality and you will come to me." 

I may have yanked her a little hard from the roof and I may have dropped her onto her balcony from a little higher than necessary but she was difficult and I was more than a little frustrated. I turned quickly before she could tell me to leave of course I couldn't actually go anywhere I had to stay with her until she realized she needed me. I knew her kind well enough I just had to bide my time what little of it I had.



I carried Nash into the living room ignoring how easy it was for me to shoulder his bulk as easily as I ignored the stench of liquor and something burning on his skin. I placed him on the couch turning to my own bedroom. Looking out the balcony window at the blowing drapes there was nothing but static in my mind. White noise as shut the window and stripped. Nothingness as I entered the shower turning the heat up to scalding and stood beneath the spray. Not sure if I washed thoroughly, not sure how long I stood there, not sure when I dressed and got beneath the covers. There was an explanation to it all the was an explanation for everything. I closed my eyes and opened them to a starry night.

I blinked becoming ever more aware of my surroundings I was laying on a bed roll of sorts out side. I tried lifting my limbs but they seemed frozen. I could hear a loud snuffling and someone sobbing my eyes wheeled wildly trying to see the threat. My body refused to move the sobbing approached closer as did the animal noises. The figure of a man came into view looming over me he looked into my eyes. His frame was skinny and far to pale to be earthly. He trembled as he sobbed his eyes were green and blood shot and his tears flowed freely. 

'I am s-sorry sister, forgive me?'   his hands reached for me and suddenly my body jerked to life. I sprung away from him instinctively checking my back for the snuffling creature,but came up empty nothing but close packed trees. The man backed away from me eyes wide and evermore afraid. 

'You are no ordinary Fae! She is different, Y-you lied to me!' His voice rose in a high shriek by the end of the phrase. I didn't understand there was no one else present in the clearing.The man continued to stand there breathing heavily through his flared nostrils. Suddenly wailing at the top of his lungs he clutched his skull fingers digging in to waxy limp strands of hair.His wet eyes rose to me with a spark in them. 

'Run sister,' the words sounded strained as if he were fighting to get them out , 'you must not fight me you  must run far away from this place, please heed my warning do not fight it is a trap please . You must awake and get to The Temple. Please tell Solamare that we live under guises forced upon us. We are-'

His words choked off as if someones hand was wrapped around his neck his mouth opened wide in a silent scream. And then he began to change his back jerking forward contorting his body obscenely. His glassy tearful eyes made contact with mine as they began to darken he smiled and mouthed 'Run'. His smile twisted into a crooked smirk and soon I was facing the same eyes I usually saw reflected back at myself at the end of my morbid yet exhilarating dreams. 

His skin began to darken and a scaly pattern emerged from his skin as it seemed to stretch he screamed again and this time it wasn't silent. Although my mind screamed at me to stay face the threat and challenge the feeling that crept of my skin convinced me otherwise.Cold darkness blanketed me and for the first time in my life I turned and ran from a dream. 


I know its short but had to get it out to overcome the recent writers block

Fae series book 1: WarriorsWhere stories live. Discover now