01: insert Hiriko Yui!

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i should probably be writing my summer writing thing, but no


BTS is in the states

how can i ignore that kind of inspiration?

exactly, i can't

so this is based in 2014, after Skool Luv Affair.

now, this isn't just a Yoongi x OC story, it'll cover BTS as a whole. The romance is a big part of it, but also the band, American Hustle Life, K-Con, and everything else.

so be patient


If you were to ask anyone in Japan, or anyone who goes on the Internet even, to describe Yui Hiriko in a few words, what they'd say would be this:







What one would not say was that she was always on time.

In fact, more often than not, she was late, be it by a minute or an hour, she always was late.

Such as she was right now.

The young woman grumbled angrily and she treaded lightly down the desolate road, pausing only for a split second to pull her jacket on tighter and continuing on.

"What was so important that Fusaka had to pull me out of my home the day after a holiday?!"

She quickly turned the the corner and headed towards uptown.

As she continued on, the streets did a 180 from desolate to men and woman attired smartly in suits, shooting snooty looks at her.

Yui held back the urge to laugh as they walked off and she continue on until reaching a tall, gleaming white building.

"Ma'am, I'm afraid you can-" the doorkeeper began to say before she looked up from under her hood and he laughed. "Yui."

She beamed at him. "Arata."

The balding man chuckled as he opened the door for her. "I almost didn't recognize you in your getup."

She winced, looking down at her thick jacket and skirt, before she laughed. "I wasn't expecting Mr. Hayashi to call me down after a holiday. Especially not at five am during a rain."

Laughing as she stepped into the tiled building, he closed it behind her.

A sharp ding went off as the doors slid smoothly open on the fortieth floor, which was long since relabeled as "Hayashi's Office."

Silver pieces of hair danced in the light of the lamp burning brightly to the left of the man and a smile graced his face as he saw who it was.

"Ah, Yui," said the man as she walked in. "Come, sit."

Despite being in front her boss, whom of which she had bonded with over the last two years, Yui couldn't help but feel embarrassed as she took off her coat to reveal an oversized t-shirt bearing the words "Fuji Rock Festival 2013."

"How strange of a person considered a fashion idol to wear a merchandise t-shirt," he clicked as she sat down across from them.

"Oh please, I could make this the next trend in an hour, as long as you agree to be camera man!" She said cheekily and Hayashi let out a roaring laugh.

How To Get Popular (BTS; Yoongi/Suga x OC) (hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now