Chapter 1

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The young girl crossed her arms as she walked away from the corpse she had just found within the school's halls. She could hear the screaming and moaning of everlasting pain of the poor souls that had gotten trapped and killed in painful ways within the sealed walls of the elementary school. This is no ordinary school. She thought and she was correct she was stuck within the halls Tenjin Elementary; the most cursed school of the spiritual and occult world.

She finally had found someone who wasn't dead or had succumbed to the darkening. "Hello? A-Are you alive and sane?" She called out somewhat fearfully. "Yeah, what's your name? I'm Ōkami Crystal." The other female responded nonchalantly. "(L/N) (F/N). You know it is nice to finally meet someone in this school who is alive and completely sane!" (F/N) exclaimed. Crystal only sighed, smiled, and nodded in response.

They both kind of examined each other for any visible injuries of any kind. (F/N) found only a small very shallow stab wound in Crystal's back. "Where did you get this?" (F/N) asks gently poking the stab wound. "Oh, that? It's just from a small encounter with Shinozaki Sachiko and her stabulous scissors." Crystal answered half jokingly trying to lighten the mood, luckily it worked seeing as (F/N) snorted in soft laughter. "Stabulous?" (F/N) asked. "Stabulous. Stabbingly fabulous." Crystal answered. "Nonetheless we should probably get you to the infirmary, because it could get infected." (F/N) informed. "Fine. Even though it's just a small nick." Crystal sighed. (F/N) sighed and shook her head at her new found friend's response.

When the two girls got to the infirmary they were suspicious because nothing had attacked them in the five minutes that it had taken to walk across the school, and they were sure they were going to be attacked as soon as they walked into the infirmary. Crystal kept sampling the air to see if anything smelled different from before. (F/N) kept glancing around to see if anything looked any different. Then they both heard it... Yoshikazu's moan of pain, anger, sadness, hatred, and insanity. Then the scraping of a sledgehammer against floorboards accompanied by a small child's giggle. That small giggle slowly grew into insane laughter. It was Sachiko. The two young teenaged girls shuddered in fear and anticipation of what might happen to them.

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