Chapter 22

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Steven's p.o.v

I woke up to the buzzing of my phone.

From Annabella:

Good morning mi amor! (That's right, I speak Spanish tambien) I love you mucho mucho ((:

A smile appeared on my face and I giggled a little.

To Annabella:

Hola hermosa, I love you too. Btw is your buddy Juan over there? (;

From Annabella: stfu *cough* Google translator *cough*

To Annabella:

Lololol. I'll see you soon babe, I'ma go shower (:

Annabella's p.o.v

I liked the fact that Steven was acting as if things were normal, not acting like if I were dying...he's different. All my life, people thought of me as my disease and that's not me at all. I didn't choose to be this way! I'm glad he didn't walk out on me once he found out, that's happened a lot. He was there for me when no one else was...a guardian angel, if you will. He's a strong guy, he's strong enough for the both of us... He saved me. And I love him.

I began to get ready as well... I took a quick shower, put on fresh clothes, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and put it up in a ponytail. After that, I applied some mascara and eyeliner.

Honestly, I haven't felt this beautiful since my 8th grade graduation..

I heard a knock at the door, "come in!" I yelled and Steven walked inside with some flowers, "oh babe, I love you!" I said happily

I put the flowers in a cup with water and placed them on the counter next to me. "They're beautiful, thank you" I said and hugged him

"As are you" he said and smiled

"Babe, sit down. I wanna read you one of my favorite poems!" I said

He obeyed and sat next to me. I held one of his hands and looked through my phone with the other. "Ahh, here it is." I said then cleared my throat before reading.

I knew a boy who liked to draw,
He drew pictures that no body saw,
He was most artistic late at night,
In the bathroom out of sight,
He kept a secret no one knew,
He didn't tell a soul and his gallery grew,
His drawings were different; no paper or pen,
But he needed a bandage every now and again,
We stood by the river under the stars,
He rolled up his sleeves and showed me his scars,
He felt embarrassed and looked down at his shoes,
Then I rolled up my sleeves and whispered "I draw too"

"Wow anna, that is very powerful." Steven said after a long silence

"I'm glad you think so, I love it." I said

We stared at each other for a brief second until he leaned in and kissed me. I pulled him in closer and gently tugged at his hair; my legs straddled around his waist as I kissed him.

He pulled away and said "I love you,"

"I love you too" I said and pecked his cheek

I started to doze off into a deep sleep when Steven said "I will always love you, Annabella Jenson."

My eyes slowly shut and I fell asleep on his lap.



I'ma just say this, the ending will be soon.. I'd say in the next 15 chapters or so.. I'm not too sure though.

Btw things are going to be very very fucking interesting so y'all better keep reading!(:

Thanks for reading, I love you guys mucho mucho

And in case you didn't get what the poem was about, it's about a couple that cut. And I'm not saying I'm pro-self harm or nothing but I really love that poem. My boyfriend and I, who have been together for nearly a year, both self harm and yeah... :/ that's what the picture is about.. It's our arms (:

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