Chapter 32

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._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._. WEDDING DAY PART TWO _.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-.

ANNABELLA'S p.o.v - (7 months pregnant)

We were about to head off to the after party, when I started to feel a pain in the bottom of my stomach, I groaned and Steven walked towards me and said "babe what's wrong?"

"I think I'm having contractions." I said nervously

"You sure?" He asked

"I don't know.."

"What does it feel like?"

"Someone shoving a knife up my vag and into my stomach!"

He chuckled, "okay let's go to the hospital." He said. Max drove and Hannah went with us.

Steven's p.o.v

We finally made it to the hospital; carelessly parking out front, I then ran in, asked for help and soon a doctor with a wheelchair came to assist us. He carried her on the wheelchair and I pushed her.

We went into the labor area and I waited nervously.

2hours later

"Aye Steven, you want food? We're gonna get taco bell!" Max yelled.

The way Hannah stared at me when I look at the last slice of's adorable.

"Yeah, bring me back a Meal Deal #5, with beef!"

He nodded and they walked hand in hand


Max's p.o.v

"I'd say we have about 20 minutes babe." I whispered into Hannah's ear.

"Mm, sounds good." She said and grinned

My hand roamed from the steering wheel to her knee and slowly made its way up her dress. I tugged gently at the hem of her underwear and her neck rolled back with pleasure. "Babe," she moaned

I then slid my hand inside her and began to move my finger in and out in a fast pace. "I want you" she whispered. I pulled over in this dirt area and we climbed over to the backseat of the car.

She unbuckled my belt as she bit her lower lip "I love it when you do that" I commented and she kissed me, sliding her tongue in my mouth.
I made circular movements on her breasts and kissed her neck.

As soon as my pants were removed, she began to thrust. "We're gonna go at this like there's no tomorrow," she said, her tone in her voice changed..

She began to ride me as I sucked on her neck, she gasped.

After a while, we switched. I began to get rougher each time she said my name, "I love you" she breathed and I went in deeper.

"You're my everything." I said then nibbled on her ear.

As we got dressed she said "shit the tacos!" Which made me laugh. We drove to tacoBell and got the food, as promised.


Steven's p.o.v

About twenty minutes later, my food arrived.

"Thanks man," I said and Max nodded.

"What's up with you, Max?" I asked

"Nothing," he said in a high pitched voice, clearly lying

"You got the 'I fucked a bitch face'" I said and raised my eyes brows

He shook his head "uhhhp..nope, no no no. All is good. I got my tacos, I got my girl, and I'm out of the CAPS unit so it's all chillen." He said, suspiciously.

"Mm. Okay, well you could've at least gotten the sushi shop smell off you" I said and laughed uncontrollably

He turned red and walked to Hannah. They whispered and giggled every now and then.

1 hour later

A nurse came by and said "Mr. Fernandez, your baby will be born in about 14 hours. You could go home if you like." She said kindly

"Thanks," I said and smiled.

Hannah and Max left after another couple hours.

I slowly found myself dazing off until I finally fell asleep.


"Steven wake the fuck up!" Max yelled as I slowly opened my eyes.

"What's up?' I said

"Anna keeps asking for you..I think it's almost here." He breathed

I shot up from my seat and walked in the room. Anna had her hair spilling carelessly on the pillow. Hers eyes remained shut all though she was awake. "Hey babe" I said softly and planted a kiss on her and on her forehead, she smiled and I smiled back.

"I'm sorry I'm such a mess"

"You're kidding? Babe your face is glowing! You look like an angel and I wouldn't say so if it weren't true." I said and she blushed

"I love you." She whispered

"And I love you." I said and sat on the chair next to her.

She groaned and slightly shot her neck up. "B-babe?" I said

"Hey I need a doctor! I think she's going into labor!" I yelled and the doctor came in almost immediately.

"Mam, you're gonna need to push." The doctor said and Anna began pushing. I held her hand, her gripped tightened.

"Okay now push a little harder." The doctor said and she obeyed

Anna screamed in pain. I brushed her hair from her face and blew air out of my mouth, trying to cool her down.

"That's it, now one more push." The doctor said softly, about a minute later, a babies cry filled the air. Relief and joy plastered on our faces as the doctor carried the baby over to us after cleaning it with a towel.

The doctor whispered "it's a girl."

"Hi Nevaeh, I'm your mom Annabella." She said and kissed her forehead.

"Could I carry her?" I asked and she nodded, handing her over to me

"Gosh you're beautiful, just like your mom." I said looking at her curly brown hair and glowing light brown skin.

Max and Hannah came in and took their turn holding her. I laid down next to Anna as Hannah sang songs to the baby. The lullabies worked, for Anna and I.

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