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Here is my two weeks of work for the writing challenge.

My lyrics were: Don't lose who you are, in the blur of the stars, seeing is decieving, dreaming is believing.

** I wrote this story using Three Hills University but realized that Three Hills is an actual city in Alberta. This story does not hold the actual facts from Three Hills, AB. Hope you don't mind this little fact.

Aside from that, I hope you enjo the story!


                    Back home, I was the eldest of my siblings. I had three siblings: one younger brother and twin younger sisters and my mother was pregnant yet again. I’d aced high school and made it into the best college we had back home and aced the courses there too. With my college diploma in hand, I was ready to find myself a job and apartment back home but my parents decided that I’d be better off getting more studies in a University that was two day’s drive from home. They’d dropped me off with my luggage on the campus of Three Hills University for overachievers.

    I had been a simple girl wearing the nerdy, bookworm look. According to my last doctor’s appointment, I had finally reached the five feet six inches, a great accomplishment for a nineteen year old. My height wasn’t the only childish features I had kept; my body proportions hadn’t changed much since my twelfth birthday. I had small hips, small breasts, baby cheeks and a flat bum. My fingers were stubby and I’d been stuck with glasses that hid my honey brown eyes since the age of five. My hair was a light chestnut brown that had no volume or curls and it reached my mid-back easily. I kept my bangs short and square over my eyebrows.

    When I went to pick up my time table and room key, the secretary told me that I’d be rooming with a girl called Maya Milo. After a week of living with her, I started wondering what she saw in me since Maya and I were complete opposites. Maya was plainly beautiful with her natural sun-splashed blond hair that curled on its’ own in a perfect princess’ hair do. Her eyes were the same green as a wet leaf in the rising sun’s rays and her skin was the color of the sea’s white sand beach yet as soft as silk. She knew what colors fit her well, wore only the necessary make-up to make her lips look full and her eyes strike out and knew how to wear the short skirts. In my first week, I easily noticed that men loved her perfect curves, perfect smile and perfect grades.

    After the first month of university, I realized how glad I was to have a friend like Maya even though we were different. Luckily for me, we shared a few similar classes even if we weren’t in the same studies. Maya was an artist; most of her classes went around sculpting or painting naked men and women. Occasionally, they went into the wild to paint the wilderness at its wildest. Her paintings were always over the top as if her eyes saw more than there was to the scene. On my part, I had taken on the medical branch and I was willing to touch every possible aspect of the branch. Even if we had two different studies, we shared French and English and occasionally a History and or Philosophy class.

    I got into the flow of the studies easily and after a first month of taking it easy, I took up a job as cashier in the bakery across the street from the campus. My job didn’t pay much, but it allowed me to have some spare money since my overachiever bourse from college only supplied enough for the university fees and supplies. Because of my parents’ wealth, I wasn’t allowed any support from the government. Maya claimed that she didn’t need to work because her ‘guilty father’ – as she would call him – paid everything for her including the spare change that permitted her to buy new clothes.

    Our room was more of a small apartment than a simple room. It consisted of a small kitchen area with a table for two, a small living area, a small bedroom with two beds, two dressers and two closets and a small bathroom with a stand-up shower. From my knowledge of Universities, I had expected a simple room. I thought I would have had to eat, shower and watch movies in the communal areas but this was after all the university for over achievers. There was, however, a cafeteria downstairs with a social area which included a wall-sized plasma TV. blue ray DVD and all the necessaries for high-tech cinematic which I soon discovered was mostly used by the Cinema branch to present their latest creations. We even had catwalk that folded up into the wall in the room for the Fashion branch.

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