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    My face in my hands, elbows on my knees, sitting in the emergency room waiting… waiting… and waiting some more. I was immobile as a statue from the moment the doctors told Maya and I to sit and wait, where as Maya kept getting out, peeking into the emergency hallway in hopes of catching a glimpse of whatever she thought she might catch.

    Nothing made any sense. How had things gone so wrong?

    When I closed my eyes, Kasey’s before and after faces kept appearing in my mind. Her cute smile when she worked in the bakery. She looked so pure and innocent in the gingham outfit. The thought made me smile, but only for a moment as once again my mind replaced that image with that of her limp body in my arms, her eyes emptied of life.

    I took a quick look at my watch, compared the time with the clock on the wall and sighed. Already an hour had gone by and still there was no news about her state. Surely they had stabalized her; right? She wasn’t dead… no, she couldn’t be.

    Maya stood up again and I grabbed her arm as she walked in front of me. ‘’Enough. Can’t you just sit still and wait? You won’t see anything no matter how much you check.’’ I spoke in an authoritative tone while keeping my eyes glued to the floor.

    I heard her scowl and could fully imagine her rolling her eyes as she spun and let herself fall into the uncomfortable hospital seat with a loud sigh.

    ‘’How can you be so calm?’’ she pressed her chest to her knees, tilting her head to be able to look into my eyes.

    I grinned and sat up so that she didn’t have to be so bent to look at me. ‘’I may look calm, but inside I’m raging war with my head. I can’t get the image of her limp body out of my head. No matter how much I try to replace it by her smiling face.’’ I shook my head and leaned it against the wall, staring at the ceiling.

    ‘’She’ll pull through.’’ She replied, taking the same laid back position I did and staring at the ceiling also.

    We sat in silence for a long time. I was glad she had finally calmed enough to stop fidgeting, however instead of that, she would chew on her nails. At some point, Maya’s head fell onto my shoulder and I jumped in surprise. When I noticed that she had fallen asleep, I calmed down again and let her rest. I, however, never fell asleep.

    ‘’Excuse me, sir?’’ asked a soft female voice to my left.

    I jumped at the sound of the woman’s voice – so many hours of silence, I guess at some point I did more or less fall asleep. My surprise even surprised Maya into an abrupt wake up who jumped back two seats. The woman grinned for a moment, apparently enjoying our surprise before appologizing for the surprise.

    ‘’Are you Miss Silverstone’s guardians?’’ she asked.

    ‘’No, but I’m uh, her boyfriend.’’ I replied. Maya shot me a look and rolled her eyes.

    ‘’And I’m her roommate.’’ Maya quickly added before concentrating on the woman again.

    ‘’Do either of you have a means of communication with the lady’s parents or guardians? The number we have on file is invalid.’’ she informed us.

    Maya and I looked at each other in surprise but shook our heads in union. Neither of us had ever had any contact with her family, the university most likely had her up-to-date information though.

    ‘’She’s registered at Three Hills University. Maybe they have her right contact numbers?’’ I offered.

    The woman nodded slowly. ‘’The doctor will be meeting with you in a few moments if that is alright with you.’’ she informed us before turning around and leaving– ‘if that’s alright with you’ was obviously meant more as ‘and that’s that’.

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