Have A Happy Halloween

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---trigger warning; gore

It's dark, and he's not alone anymore.

What appears to be the sunlight is just a candle, ripping through the pitch black with its yellow and casting an obnoxious shade across his body. He isn't sure if he is the one screaming or it's someone else from the dark, but he's the only one the monster is currently looking at. It's intruding, and he can feel his blood coiling across his ribcage while thundering inside his head; his stomach is clenching in discomfort while he's holding eye contact. The eyes are so pure, so golden, so bright, like daylight on delicate flowers and forest streams that flickers sparks into dark holes in the ground.

Those same eyes that feel so warm come closer and the darkness around them thickens, bold straps across thin air that reeks of old basements and little children's worst nightmares. The creature smirks and the shadow deepens again, and Gerard can feel the artery on the left side of his neck beginning to throb.

He feels the skin open and the scream his throat releases is much more intense than the others before it. It kills every noise in the space and drowns any ounce of hope left in his stiffened body- it sounds like death and he swears that it feels like it, too, even more so when the blood starts to spill down his back in unruly spirals and lines that cut dark red through the freckled white.

It separates the part of his brain that deciphers pain from the one that fears it and the creature laughs, gripping at the wound on his shoulder with its nails, all scratchy and sharp, and drags the flesh downwards to his chest. It smiles into his face and it's the kindest smile Gerard's ever seen, all bashful and sweet like cotton candy and ferris wheels in late July when everything is a carnival dream, but then it turns almost as wicked as burning sun and scorching droughts and he can't breathe anymore.

He opens his mouth but the air that crawls inside is more lead than oxygen and the creature cackles into his face. He can sense something hot in the back of his throat and his gag reflex starts working- he vomits all of the blood right into his lap because he can't lean anywhere else. It's darker than it should be from all the tar and it tastes like liquid rust and fire and torture, and his eyes are watering from all the pressure on his head.

His throat feels raw and it burns like a thousand acidic needles are digging holes in his flesh, his larynx bleeding out and clogging his airways. He's trying to yell, trying to fight but the creature has him there- still, pliable, poisoned- he separates his lips to scream but all that comes out is just more jet black tar mixed with blood-red bile, spilling in a colorful line over his Adam's apple.

The creature just drags its nails down and rips more of his chest, reaching down almost to his navel. He sucks in a breath and it's disgusting, but he'd rather do it all over again than look into those beautiful eyes that make him want to puke all over himself once more. He feels contagious with venom pumping through his veins, like a curse, and the pain shooting all across his torso isn't helping. His blood is getting darker and thicker by the minute and it's pouring down in unsteady waves like his body is pushing it outwards, fading red mixing with greasy black and swirling his brain into a sickly sweet sense of sleepiness.

The creature's face is closer now and it's looking into Gerard's tar-stained eyelids, dark hair matted around his neck, face wrecked and whiter than the sky on a snowy day.

Then he can feel a grip on his forearm. It's slight, and as gentle as a feather of a dream catcher lost amongst cobwebs after cobwebs in the corner of an old attic. It's familiar and he knows it's telling him to open his eyes since now there's a known brightness in front of his eyelids.

So he does.

The first breath is always the unsteady one, getting used to the surroundings and the feeling of a soft blanket covering his back instead of his own blood. His hair is in his face and it smells nice, peaches or some shit, his head is too heavy to remember now.

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