Chapter 5

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Have you ever felt that feeling?
That special urge.
That unlimited compulsion.
That uncomfortable, yet enjoyable yearning or desire.

Shrimp fried rice.
Hot wings.
Spaghetti drizzled in soy sauce.

As I stared at the dishes of Chinese food in front of me, I couldn't help but feel liquid dripping down the side of my mouth that I instantly recognized as being saliva. I quickly wiped my mouth and started taking out the dishes and silverware that would be needed, until the doorbell rang.

I ran up to open the door instantly knowing that it was my friends, but my Dad beat me to it.

"Hey, Jayden", Lesley and Henry chanted simultaneously.

"Hey, Jay", Jasper greeted while shaking hands with my Dad.

Lesley settled in for a warm hug from my dad, while Henry attempted the, "Bro-Hug".

I shook my head, while laughing a bit as my Daddy did the so called, "Bro-Hug" with Henry. I can't remember how long it took my Dad to finally succeed at doing the hug with the boys. However, I will tell you this, it took about a month.

"Hey guys", I said, hugging all three at the same time. "Now, come on, I ordered Chinese food since I owed you".

Henry and Jasper vertically shook their heads as if to tell me, "Wow! You actually remembered!"

I rolled my eyes at them and grabbed Lesley by her hand dragging her over to the dining table as the others followed.

"Daddy, come eat with us", I offered.

"I have plenty of work that I have to finish, Sweetheart", he said walking away, but then came running back over. "But since it is Chinese food......I'll you know, just take mine over to my office and eat".

All four of us busted out laughing as my Dad began taking some food along with a bottle of water up to his office.

"Bye, Dad", I called up to him.

"Yea, Yea, bye Char", he said waving me off playfully.

"Well guys, dinner is served", I turn around to see all three of them already stuffing their faces with food. "What the heck! When did this happen? What happened to praying before we eat and waiting for others to settle down first?!

Lesley pointed a finger at me while raising an eyebrow and said with ease, "You were taking too long and yes, we prayed already".

This was so like them.

I took my food and did my prayer.

Now, time for the question that had been lingering in my head all day.

"So, what did you guys want to talk to me about?"

An uncomfortable silence immediately struck out in the dining room, which pretty much got me worried.

"Well, you see. Umm it's about you and Rilee", Lesley said breaking the quietness of the room.

Uh-oh, I think I know where this is going, but I pretended like I didn't know what she was referring to.

"What about me and Rilee?"

Jasper rolled his eyes as if he couldn't hold anything back anymore.

"Look, we all know that you hate Rilee now, okay. I mean, why else would you blame her for having the dream that you had", he said abruptly.


Just kill me already!

Am I seriously hearing this?
It was like a slap to the face.

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