Chapter 13

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How in the world am I supposed to spend a whole night with Rilee in my house?

Why did she even agree to come to my house if she knows that her and I have problems? This just proves that she's looking for trouble!

Oh God, please help me. Help me to control my emotions tonight. Allow this night to go right, please.

The doorbell rang and I got up to answer it.
Expecting my friends to come barging in, I was surprised to see that it was Desmond at my front door.

"Can we talk?"

"This isn't the right time, I'm sorry?"

I began to close the door, but ceased when he stopped it with his foot.

"Please", he pushed.

I breathed out a long sigh and gestured for him to come in.

"Sorry about the mess, my friends are coming over for the night and they're bringing their dates", I apologized.

"It's fine, but I just wanted to say that I am truly sorry for what happened earlier today at school with Rayna. I have no idea why she did that. We aren't even together."

"Desmond, I'm not worried about what Rayna did because I know that, that's how she is."

"Then what are you hurt or confused about?"

I looked around the room, not wanting to make eye contact with him.

"Charlotte, what is it?"

"It's the fact that you didn't do anything. She hugged you, kissed you, and all you did was stand there allowing her. Why?"

"I was in a trance. I had a flashback in my mind, it isn't something that I'd like to say. I'm sorry."

"Its fi-"

The doorbell rang and I immediately knew that it was my friends.

"I'm sorry, those are my friends. I'll be right back."

I opened the door. They were all standing with bags of snacks in their hands and as they filed into the house, greetings were shared.

"Char, can you come here", Lesley called. "Is something going on between you and Desmond that I don't know about?"

"No, he just came to apologize about what happened earlier."

Lesley looked at me suspiciously. "Then how does he know where you live?"

I lifted up my hands in mock surrender and replied to her that I had no clue.

"Can you start setting up the snacks that you guys brought, I'll-"

I felt a small light tap on my shoulder and turned around to instantly meet a pair of blue eyes.

"Uh, I should start heading out. It's getting pretty late", he informed. "I guess I'll see you Monday."

I bid him goodbye, walked him out the door, and headed back inside to the sleepover.

"Ooo! Charlotte's got a boyfriend", Lesley cooed.

"First, he's not my boyfriend, we're just friends. Second, being in a relationship isn't exactly in my book of plans", I defended rolling my eyes.

The others just laughed.

Henry continued on preparing the food in separate bowls with Rachel.
Rachel tossed a popcorn in the air and Henry successfully caught it in his mouth. We always ended up playing that game when we had sleepovers; I was the one who lost almost every time we played.

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