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Friday evening arrived sooner than expected for Ashton. He may have also forgot that Luke was coming over. So instead of setting up for Luke's arrival, he decided he'd have a lazy day and order pizza while watching movies.

The doorbell rang. Ashton thinking it was the pizza delivery person, opened the door without a shirt on since he was too lazy to put one on for a few minutes. Luke's face was slowly shown, and Ashton wanted to hit his head against the wall. How could he forget Luke was coming over?

Luke eyed the beauty in front of him, not being aware of how obvious he's making it shown that he's checking him out.

Ashton was a fit guy, he worked out often and it showed. But when he has the loose shirts he usually has on, you wouldn't be able to tell.

"Hey, come in." Ashton greeted, trying to play it off that he forgot he had a visitor coming over.

Luckily Luke had been to busy drooling at the sight of Ashton to notice. The blonde stepped in, glancing around the house.

"You needed help in-uh science, right?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah, it's hard to pay attention with all the other guys around." Luke said but soon realized how it sounded.

Ashton raised an eyebrow as Luke clarified, "I just meant that I sit next to obnoxious guys and they make it hard to to concentrate when all they do is mess around."

"I understand." Ashton chuckled.

The shirtless brunette led them into the living room, sitting on the couch as he grabbed his backpack on the side.

He pulled out his science notebook along with a jersey that he placed in there for gym on Monday, gliding in on. It didn't help Luke any since it just made him bite his lip in anticipation as Ashton stretched his limbs.

"So, do you remember anything from class or it it just drawing a blank?" Ashton asked, flipping to the page of their last lesson.

"No, I remember a bit but I don't exactly understand it very well." Luke stated, grabbing his notebook as well.

The next twenty minutes were basically just Ashton talking and Luke staring. The pizza came within minutes after the blonde's arrival so they both ate while reviewing the notes Ashton had written.

After a while, it became clear to the brunette that Luke wasn't paying attention to a word he said.

"Luke, eyes up here." He said shortly, noticing the taller Australian glance up from his lips to his eyes, a blush coating his cheeks.

"Uh-I'm sorry." He apologized, scratching the nape of his neck awkwardly.

"If you can finish the worksheet given to us for homework today within an hour, we can make out." Ashton bribed.

Luke flicks his eyes up immediately after hearing those words to meet Ashton's whose facial expression was blank. If it was even possible, Luke's cheeks were now coated in an even brighter shade of red.

"I can see you eyeing me, Luke. You don't have to be embarrassed. You're pretty good looking yourself." Ashton causally admits.

"I don't know what to say... um, sure?"

"You don't sound so sure."

"Then yes."

"Yes to what?"

"Homework and making out...?" Luke quietly says.

"You better finish that worksheet then." Ashton replies, smirking.


"Not too bad, Luke. You only got one wrong." The brunette declares, looking at the blonde.

Luke nods, biting his lip almost to the point it bleeds. The only thing on his mind is Ashton and his lips and how he just wants them on his right now.

"Ashton." He whimpers.

The shorter lad barely hears him but when he does, he scoots closer to Luke, watching his movements. Ashton gently places his hands on Luke's face, cupping his cheeks and observing his face.

Leaning in very slowly, they both close their eyes. Their noses nudge the other's softly as Ashton places his lips on Luke's.

Luke responds almost urgently, waiting for this moment for the longest time. He molds his lips to fit the brunette's, now straddling the older's lap. Ashton's hands trail up Luke's back underneath his shirt as Luke grasps Ashton's hair tightly.

Ashton was the first to deepen the kiss, sliding his tongue against Luke's bottom lip, enjoying the feeling of his cold lip ring. The blonde opened up for the shorter boy and didn't think twice about it. Their tongues mixed with each others as they tilted their heads to get a better angle.

After several minutes of epic making out, Luke pulled away, both being breathless.

Gaining whatever confidence he had while grabbing his backpack, Luke said, "Thanks for the lesson, Irwin."


you guys hate me don't you? i would too. first update since like february wow. really sorry guys. i don't even know if anyone even reads this anymore.

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