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After a long, torturous first day of exams and abnormal schedules, the school day had finally come to an end as the clock reached 2:10. Luke sighed heavily as he arrived at his locker, unloading a couple of books. After he closed his locker, he turned and was met face to face with Ashton. Since he wasn't expecting his presence, Luke gasped loudly and stepped backwards, awkwardly recovering with a laugh.

"Hi." He softly mumbled, "I wasn't expecting you to be right there."

Ashton chuckles, "You wanna get something to eat with me?"

"Um, yeah sure." He shyly simpers, adjusting his backpack on his back, walking alongside Ashton.

Luke wasn't quite sure what they were, were they even friends? They've hung out a total of three times, four if you count this moment. He assumes they're friends since Ashton suggested hanging out together and it doesn't involve school work. Anyways, he doesn't mind. The thing is, he's already gotten addicted to kissing him. He's got soft lips, causing Luke to feel indulgent in Ashton very early on, he's also sweet and caring, not to mention he's very attractive and fit.

"So I was thinking we could get frozen yogurt if you're down for that?" Ashton asks, leading them to his car.

Luke glances up, "Yeah, that works."

Ashton simply laughs in response making Luke question what's so amusing. "Why are you laughing?"

He turns to look at Luke, "You need to loosen up, we're friends Luke, no need to be shy."

And he wants to reply that he can't help it, that he's just naturally shy and that everyone he talks to is a difficult task but he doesn't. Instead he just shakes his head and replies "Sorry, just tired."

The drive to get frozen yogurt is short and Luke tries his absolute hardest to not come off as awkward and aloof. He chats to Ashton idly, messing with the fringe on his ripped jeans. He knows he shouldn't feel like this around Ashton, that they've had several conversations and a couple of make out sessions and that it's all fun and games but he can't seem to stop overthinking his actions.

Before they get out of the car, Ashton leans over the console and attaches his lips to Luke as if it's a routine every time they leave the car. But in reality, Ashton noticed that Luke seemed detached and wanted to see him smile. Once they separate, he smiles and turns off the engine.

"You coming?" Ashton questions before exiting the car.

The difference between Ashton and Luke is that Ashton radiates confidence, he doesn't think twice about his actions and everything he does comes naturally. Luke is so self conscious about screwing something up that most of the time he ends up lost in his own mind.

Luke steps out of the car with a smile on his face due to the swift kiss they shared and a soft rosy red coating his cheeks. They enter the establishment and head straight to the wall of frozen yogurt flavors. Ashton makes a few jokes about the names of the yogurt and Luke ends up laughing obnoxiously.

Ashton kindly pays for Luke too, the blonde uttering out a thank you in return. They head outside to sit at one of the tables as they eat. "Here, try some." Ashton offers, scooping some of his cheesecake flavored yogurt out with his green spoon and extending it outwards to meet Luke's mouth. Luke graciously slid the yogurt off the spoon with his tongue and into his mouth. He nodded in response and did the same with Ashton and his yogurt, allowing him to sample some of his.

When they were almost finished Ashton asked, "Do you want to head back to my house after this?"

And how could Luke possibly deny? So as soon as they finished eating, Ashton drove them to his house in a comfortable silence. When they entered, the first thing Ashton offered to do was lay on the couch and watch television. Luke agreed because laying next to Ashton while they watch tv doesn't sound bad at all.

Within minutes, the two were underneath a blanket watching reruns of friends as their arms and legs were pressed against each other. However, in the middle of the first episode Ashton felt like Luke was acting off.

"Luke, are you okay?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Because you've been acting sad this whole time and I know you're normally shy and all but I don't like seeing you frown and hardly talk."

"It's hard to explain and I doubt you'd understand."

"Try me."

"Well..." He sighs, "We're two totally opposite people, you're confident and I'm shy, I mean I can hardly look you in the eyes without feeling self conscious. You're also my tutor and my mom pays you but I feel like we're friends but at the same time I don't know how you feel about me. We've also kissed a few times and I don't know what that makes us if it even makes us anything. I just don't know how to act around you."

In this moment, that was the most Luke had spoken all day and Ashton finally understood. This whole day he was with Luke he was worried he did something to upset him. Now he can understand why Luke was acting so off.

Luke closed his eyes as he waited for a reply from Ashton. He wasn't sure what he would think about his explanation and how he would react.

"It's okay, Luke. You may be shy and a little awkward but I like you for how you are. We're friends who enjoy kissing each other occasionally but before we label anything further I think we should get to know the other better."

Luke was left speechless and although he wanted to respond, he didn't know what to say. So instead of using his words, he uses his lips instead and attaches them to Ashton's. He slowly glides them together, not wanting to escalate their speed. This was a perfect moment and he has to remember later to thank his lucky stars that he met such an amazing and understanding boy that he gets to make out with.

so guys, first update this year... sorry. i still think this story is really cheesy and their relationship is probably going too fast but you seem to enjoy it. anyways i'm trying to work on updating better. thanks to those who still read this.
— lexi

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2016 ⏰

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