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luke has somehow grown quite fond of ashton in the short time he was with him. yes- he may of thought he was a kid named alex at first, but he found out that ashton is a really nice person.



"you kept staring at me."


luke just thinks to himself how embarrassing this moment is for him and how he always screws thing up.

ashton just watches from across the table at how luke is staring to the side with his mouth agape. they were just about done with the essay that was due pretty soon and ashton was really proud of how far luke had come. ashton was for sure that luke was going to need time and be horrible at writing, but it seemed like he was really advanced in this subject and actually flew through it.

luke wasn't anything like ashton thought he would be. he imagined luke to be some tough, rude person that had a bad-boy persona but boy- was he wrong. luke was actually the polar opposite of that, with his monkey laptop case and his laugh when ashton would say something non-remotely funny and how he'd still laugh at it. luke had this thing that when he'd get complimented on something, his cheeks would instantly turn red and he'd look away, acting as if you didn't say anything, when on the inside you knew he was really happy you said something nice about him.

luke only seemed like this bad guy on the outside because when he first came to this school he was accepted into the jock's social circle after they found out he was good at football. they weren't the nicest people nor the smartest or brightest of everyone but they had liked luke and for that he stuck with them.

most of everybody feared the jocks and how easily they could beat you up. luke left that to the other guys because there was no way he'd be able to punch someone. it's better than being punched but he was too nice to hurt anyone.

inside, luke was just like a little monkey. he was loud, always moving around, he could never sit still and his personality was actually quite rambunctious. and to be honest, luke really liked bananas too.

coincidence, i think not.

ashton noticed this. he totally noticed this whole new personality of luke. he wasn't that boy you were afraid of in the hallways, he was the boy who blushed every time you would catch him staring at you.

ashton really, really enjoyed this side of luke. this was the side no one else got to see and that made ashton happier than he wanted.

you see, ashton is in the closet. he has been for a while and ashton doesn't particularly want to have a crush on the singlehandedly cutest boy on the school that was known as a jock. all the jocks has had girlfriends- except luke.

thinking of it, ashton can't recall luke ever going out with anyone. that makes him feel a bit better but not by much.

"hey ashton?"


"can i come over to your house this week  for help in science?"

"what for? your mom said social studies was the only class you were failing."

"it is, but i have a C in there and i want to get up to a B at least."

"um, sure. any specific day?"

"is tomorrow alright with you?"

"that's fine."

"thank you, ashton. i really appreciate all the help you've given me."

"it's not a problem luke. you're a really sweet boy and i can tell you're smarter than you seem."

and there's that blush again. luke's cheeks practically turn the brightest red in the color wheel and ashton finds it to be so cute.

the end of the hour is almost over and luke and ashton just spend it laughing at horrible jokes luke makes. they walk out of the school together and as ashton is about to get in his car, luke pulls him in a tight hug that lasts for a while, leaving ashton the blushing mess and luke grinning to himself.


i am so sorry i haven't updated! i never thought this book was gonna go far but you guys have been adding it to your reading lists and commenting to update, it made me really happy. so i hope you enjoyed the chapter. thanks to you all. -lexi

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