4- Phone Call

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I woke up just after 9 AM and luckily, without a hangover. I got out of bed, still feeling a little weary and headed over to the kitchen, finding a tray of breakfast awaiting for me on the dining table. It consisted of French toast, a hard-boiled egg, some assorted fruit and a glass of orange juice.

As I started to take a bite of the toast, suddenly I got a knock on the front door. I groaned and sauntered my way to answer it. It was Bill.

"Mike. I got- woah, did you just wake up?" He observed me with knitted eyebrows.

"Hello to you too," I answered, rubbing my eyes.

"Hello. Anyways, I got great news for you."

I yawned. Not because he was boring me, maybe because I was still half awake and hungry. "Sorry Bill, not now. I haven't eaten yet. Can you come back in fifteen minutes?"

"No Mike, you'd wanna hear this now."

My mind was not in the mood to think so I gave up. "Fine, make it quick."

He leaned in closer to me and whispered, "I found out that George and Camilla Jensen are staying in the same hotel."

I laughed, because I thought he was joking.

"I'm serious, this ain't a joke, Joker."

I pointed to the marble floor of my hotel suite and raised my eyebrows. "This hotel?"

"Where else? This is the best hotel in Vegas. It's a five star hotel, every A-list celebrity goes here."

I stared blankly at Bill. "And you feel the need to tell me this because...?"

"Because you like her. Look, Michael, I'm doing you a favor right now."

Before I could retort, Bill went inside of my suite uninvited and grabbed the hotel's phone.

I closed the front door. "What are you doing?" I asked as I made my way closer to him. "I have to eat."

He didn't even answer, he just began pressing numbers on the dial pad and then it started connecting to whomever he was calling. I scoffed as he turned around to me with a mischievous grin plastered on his face.

"Hello?" he spoke into the phone.

I just stood behind him, carefully watching and listening to what he was doing. The person on the other line must've said something and he replied, "Is this Camilla Jensen?"

My jaw dropped. "Oh what the heck Bill? What in the world? Fuck." I whisper-shouted. I should've seen this coming. My potty mouth made an appearance since I was definitely not in the mood to be talking to anybody right now. He looked back at me and giggled.

"I'm Bill Bray, the head of security for Michael Jackson. ... Yes, I'm serious. ... Yes, Michael is here. He's right behind me. ... In fact, he wants to speak with you now."

That's when I began to panic. My heart was beating so fast I could hear it pounding and my palms began to sweat. I wasn't prepared for this at all. How dare Bill do such a thing?

"No no no," I said repetitively as I kept on walking backward and holding my hands up in defense to Bill while he tried to hand me over the phone.

He covered the transmitter, "C'mon Mike, you'll thank me for this later." He shoved the phone onto my chest and I couldn't say no now.

I took a deep breath thinking, why not, and spoke into the phone. "Hello..? Camilla? It's Michael."

"I know that. Hi Michael," she answered with a small giggle. Her voice felt like velvet to the ears.

Loving You // Michael Jackson FanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt