.Chapter 7

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"hm?"Yui looked at the bushes and thought she saw something supicious.
Suddenly Shinoa comes out of the bush "Yo yui-san"
Yui look at the bushes
"Lets go home Yui-san ,lets kill the vampires.. you dont belong here"
Shinoa smiles weirdly.
Yui doesnt reply and just stare at her.

--At Mika--

Mika walks around and couldnt stop thinking what yesterday happend.
"Shit...did i really forced Yui-chan..? Shes mad probably"
He walked to the downstairs and goes to the window.
"What the-"
He looked at Shinoa.
"How did she?!"
Mika runs to the garden but in front of his eyes ,Shinoa knocked Yui out.
"Teme.."Mika looked at her mad
"Yui-san is mine~"
Shinoa grabbed yui and starts to run away
"OY!"Mika chases her but Yoichi stopped him
"Gomen ,shes not yours anymore"
Yoichi stabbed Mika
and was about to activate the curse and yoichi dissappeared.
Krul kickes him away.
They both look around but there were no sight of Yui.
"Shit..where are they taking her ?!"

--At the school academy--

Shinoa put Yui roughly on the chair and uses ropes around Yui's wrist.
Yui yelled at her but Shinoa put tape on her mouth
"shut up"
As she smirks.
Yui tries to move.
Then guren walks in.
He smirks aswell.
"So...yui..you're finally here"
Guren holds her chin and looks at her neck.
"marked ..huh..interesting"
Guren slowly removes the tape.
She yelled as the tape was removed.
Guren ignores her and leaves the room.
"Make sure she dont escape"
"Hai" Shinoa said.

--Time Skip--

Yui was chained at the wall, all she could do was moving and talking.
She often get tortured untill she bleed.
Yui cried and cried.
She slowly fell asleep.
"you letted your guard down..so sad.."
"Shut up Asuramaru"
She said it as she waked up.
"I can help you escape..."
"So stubborn as always..let me and i save you from those shitty humans.."
"Then why did they captured you and torture you? they arent your friends anymore"
Yui stayed quiet.
"they are supposed to be my friends..."
1 tear dropped.
She looks down
"maybe hes right.."

Suddenly someone came in
"Yuichiro Hyakuya"
Yui looks up and stares at her.
Mahiru cuts the chain and Yui falls down.
"I- i thought you died"
"I never died ,i only became Guren's demon but i manage to escape"
Mahiru grabs Yui and runs out.

--Outside of the school academy--

They were running but 4 ppl appeared in front of them.
Guren and Shinoa looks at mahiru suprisedly.
"M-mahiru?! i thought you were my demon!"
Mahiru sighs "I managed to escape , you dipshit"
Mahiru looks mad at guren and then looks at Shinoa.
"You became like him? you aint gonna be my little sister anymore"
Shinoa attacks Mahiru.
Yui look at them.
"Just let me out ..Yui let me destroy them .."
"tch..Then on a forced way.."
Asura forces Yui.
Yui holds her head
She loses her control then Asura took her control.
Yui's eyes turned into red ,2 of her teeth turned into sharp teeth
Mahiru looks at Yui
Mahiru looks mad.
Asuramaru attacks guren and stabs him ,guren didnt notice it was too fast to notice.
"Die.." He said in an cold attitude.
after attacking Guren ,he grabbed her Sword and stabbed Shiho and yoichi too but Yoichi managed to dodge it.
He smirked and laugh crazy.
Shinoa sweats.


Cliffhanger "('(エ)')ノ
Sarry if theres any grammar error ;3; i aint good at et ,dunt judge me

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